Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 866 Turning against each other 2

After listening to Zheng Xuefeng's question, Lu Zhaodi was stunned. It took her a while to answer the reason.

"Jin Hong said, I'm useless because I can't give birth to a son. Other family members in the army have sons, but I don't! After I gave birth to Zhaodi, their family beat and scolded both of us, saying that Jin Hong was I didn’t go home because I gave birth to a loser, and people said that it was a waste of food for us and my mother-in-law to eat rice bran. Jin Hong sent his salary to his parents, which is why I wanted to join the army so much. I often thought that if Zhao Di had been a boy, this would not be the case, and I couldn't help but take it out on Zhao Di. . After giving birth to Pandi, do you know how disappointed I was? I was afraid that Jin Hong would be angry because I couldn’t give birth to a son. I was afraid that I would be looked down upon and said to be a poor person!”

Lu Zhaodi became more and more excited as she spoke, "It is really useless to have a girl. Just because I gave birth to a girl, Jin Hong will divorce me without hesitation! If he has a son, Jin Hong will never divorce me for the sake of his son's future." divorced!"

Zheng Xuefeng got angry with his confusing words, "Ignorance, ignorance!"

At this point, he still thinks that his son is the most important. How can he not give Jin Hong an opportunity to take advantage of this idea?

Lu Zhaodi was not angry after being scolded. Her eyes suddenly lit up and she clapped her hands and said: "Jin Hong wants to divorce me in the name of getting rid of old ideas. I can also prevent him from divorcing me in the name of his old feudal ideas." ! If he has old feudal ideas, will he be dismissed and investigated?"

Lu Jiang said coldly: "Comrade Lu Zhaodi, where are you in the army?"

He, Ye Zhengjun, Zheng Xuefeng and others just don't want the troops to fall into the same fanaticism as the outside world, so they strictly control and control, that is, they are now studying the leaders' ideas, and the contents are all reviewed and approved by their senior generals before the instructors are allowed to continue to promote them. They were afraid that the situation would get out of control and the troops would be paralyzed.

"I don't care where the army is!" Lu Zhaodi yelled, "I have no father or mother. If I get divorced, I will have nothing and no home. I can't divorce Jin Hong! He is now prosperous and has been beaten by many soldiers in the army. If he wants to become a leader and become famous like those big shots, then he can change his wife, no way!”

Now that Lu Zhaodi had the idea of ​​threatening Jin Hong, she turned around and left to find Jin Hong without hesitation.

Although Lu Zhaodi didn't come to the military camp very often and didn't know where Jin Hong's office was, she was able to find out that she was Jin Hong's revolutionary companion. She said that if she came to Jin Hong in an emergency, someone would naturally give him directions.

Lu Jiang and Zheng Xuefeng looked at each other and said in unison: "Follow us and take a look, don't make the situation uncontrollable!"

After locking the office and speaking to the security guard at the door, the two of them went straight to Jin Hong's office. Before they reached the door, they heard Lu Zhaodi's sad voice coming from inside: "Jin Hong, listen to me. If you dare Divorce me and we will die."

Lu Jiang and Zheng Xuefeng immediately stopped, turned around and left, asking the soldiers standing guard outside, "What happened inside?"

In fact, they wanted to ask people outside if they heard anything, but they couldn't directly ask.

Suddenly seeing the two leaders, Xiao Bing was so excited that his voice trembled a little, "I don't know, Director Jin's revolutionary partner never made a sound after he entered. Until what he said just now, it seems that Director Jin wants a divorce?" Hey, Director Jin is getting divorced? This is the first time we’ve heard of it.”

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