Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 867 Turning against each other 3

Lu Jiang pondered for a moment, "Marriage and divorce are all matters that the army is responsible for. Your top priority is to do your job well and don't think about messy things. When I see Director Jin later, don't tell me we have been here. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, you have to remember this." Zheng Xuefeng reacted and reminded the soldiers on guard.

"I heard it, two leading comrades, don't worry!" Xiaobing lowered his voice consciously.

Although they are young and have not been in the army for a long time, they are very sensible and know what to say and what not to say. They all feel the same as Ming Jing. After all, it is not a glorious thing for Jin Hong to divorce Lu Zhaodi and be threatened by Lu Zhaodi. Maybe Jin Hong Knowing that they heard this, he still tried to stumbling upon them.

So, Lu Jiang and Zheng Xuefeng were on their way back.

"What do you think we should do about this?" Zheng Xuefeng asked, "Jin Hong's reasons are too good. If we approve it, there will definitely be countless people who will follow suit in the future and just use chicken feathers as arrows. If we don't approve it, If the outside world is in chaos, some people will definitely attack us and say that we do not comply with the ideological instructions conveyed by above."

The destruction of ideas and culture and the establishment of new ones have now evolved into the destruction of old ideas, old culture, old customs and old habits. This is evidenced by the destruction of objects. Smashing, burning and looting have become the norm.

Political Commissar Zheng's wife and children are both in the capital, and both have jobs, so they will convey some information to him in secret.

He shared this information with Lu Jiang, Zhao Yong, Ouyang Zijin and other people.

Lu Jiang said calmly: "Let's wait and see what happens."

"Just wait and see what happens? Let the couple continue to make trouble?" Zheng Xuefeng frowned.

"Didn't Lu Zhaodi say that? Her old ideas were influenced by the Jin Hong family. She has old ideas, and so does Jin Hong. If she is smart, she can start with Jin Pandi's name to prove that Jin Honghe The same goes for me. For a villain like Jin Hong, the most important thing is his future, so perhaps it is possible to compromise for this."

Zheng Xuefeng thoughtfully said, "Okay, let's just wait and see what happens. However, we have to pay attention to control and not let these two people bring chaos to the army."

Lu Jiangdao: "Aren't we studying the above guiding ideology every afternoon? We are learning all the poems and quotations of the old leaders, reciting them word for word, and asking those who are illiterate to read."

This was what Feng Qingxue secretly told Lu Jiang. She always felt that instead of letting the soldiers listen to this order and that order, or follow the trend and obey orders, it would be better to focus on the old leader's quotations. The reason was also very high-sounding. Ah, who dares to oppose everyone's study? It can also change some of the illiteracy among rural soldiers.

Although the quotations of the old leader have not yet been officially released, they have been published in recent years. Otherwise, why would Feng Qingxue buy them and give them away? Which senior general in the army doesn't have a few copies?

Lu Jiangshen thought so, so he specially warned Zheng Xuefeng.

Zheng Xuefeng quickly understood the intention and punched Lu Jiang on the shoulder, "It's yours. I haven't thought of it since I've been so flustered recently. Okay, I'll call all the instructors. They all have the old leader's quotations in their hands. Let them use the old leader's quotations to convey the old leader's guiding ideology, especially those classic quotes that lead people to the right path. I heard from Zheng Bin's mother that the capital has the intention to continue printing. By then, everyone will have a copy. Anyway, the price is only two or three cents, so you can afford it.”

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