Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 868 Turning against each other 4

In the next two days, Jin Hong and Lu Zhaodi calmed down.

Neither Lu Jiang nor Zheng Xuefeng saw Lu Zhaodi again, nor did they receive any urging from Jin Hong to approve his application.

In the dead of night, Lu Jiang muttered a few words to Feng Qingxue.

"Jin Hong and Lu Zhaodi are getting divorced?" Feng Qingxue was very surprised.

Although she was surprised, she felt that it was expected. Others didn't know, but she knew that Jin Hong had been attracted to Bai Xue before Lu Zhaodi joined the army. After Commander Bai told her before, she had been In mind.

Dogs can't change their habit of eating shit.

Feng Qingxue didn't believe that when Lu Zhaodi was notorious, Jin Hong, who had long had disloyal intentions, would never leave her.

Without Bai Xue, there is still gold and silver snow in the army.

The army recruits soldiers every year, and new female soldiers are recruited into the medical corps every year. This year, a cultural corps was established. Although not all female soldiers are female soldiers, 80% of the places are occupied by fresh female soldiers.

Now, the people in charge of the female soldiers in the art team are Yang Fengying and Fang Ning.

As for Bai Xue, she seems to be a little disgusted with the rights and wrongs of the art troupe. She retired from the army due to illness. Now she relies entirely on Su Junlin to support her. However, Su Junlin loves her very much. In addition to sending some living expenses to her parents and children, two-thirds of her salary and subsidies are given to her. White snow.

Bai Xuexian was so bored that he volunteered to take care of the child for Feng Qingxue.

Xibao is smart and clever, and Fubao is cute and beautiful. Bai Xue wishes they had popped out of his belly. "You asked me to take care of them for you for a few days. Maybe they can bring me good luck."

Bai Xue also wants to have a child of her own.

After having a child, she was not afraid that Su Junlin would not be of the same mind as her.

How dare Feng Qingxue let her take care of her child? She was even afraid that she would teach her baby something wrong!

"Xibao and Fubao are very well-behaved. They don't make any noise when I'm working, and I don't want them to leave my sight, so I have to live up to your kindness." Who would have thought that the two people who were tit-for-tat at the beginning would now... One is actually willing to take care of the children for the other. It is a magical idiom to change one's past.

"My mother and I are writing!" Xibao held up his satchel, "Study hard and make progress every day."

This time, Xibao took the lead in speaking. Fubao was so anxious that tears welled up in his eyes, "My mother, my brother, and I taught me the Three-Character Sutra. In the beginning, human nature is inherently good..."

Bai Xue quickly covered her little mouth, "Don't recite it! Don't recite it! Qingxue, don't teach your children the Three-Character Sutra. Now the old ideas and culture are making a fuss. Aren't you afraid of being remembered? I reported you, how can you? It's tragic. The Three Character Classic is old culture and old thinking. I wandered around the family compound, and there were many people who were jealous of your good life. I heard from Lao Su that the capital's scenic spots, monuments, temples, and ancestral halls. Statues of gods and Buddhas were smashed, and people outside the capital imitated the capital's actions. Many seniors in the academic and literary circles had their homes confiscated, and their ancient books, calligraphy and paintings were burned, and their lives were at stake."

Feng Qingxue felt a chill in her heart. She lived so cautiously, but she forgot that the Three-Character Classic belonged to the old culture. It was really a mistake. "Thank you, Bai Xue, thank you for reminding me. I will never ask my two children to memorize the Three-Character Sutra in the future." ”

Bai Xue waved her hand, "You're welcome, I just don't want such a good home like yours to be ruined. After getting along with you for this period of time, I found that you are a very kind person, and you don't regret my previous ignorance, let alone Isn't it like some people who talk and laugh kindly to me on the surface, but secretly ruin my reputation?" No wonder her aunt allowed herself to have a good relationship with Feng Qingxue.

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