Lu Zhaodi was not stupid, and of course she knew that Cao Hongzhu's words were not trustworthy.

After posting Jin Hong's report, Jin Hong wouldn't divorce him?

No, Jin Hong was dismissed from office first, right?

"Hongzhu, are you telling the truth? As long as I can prevent Jin Hong from divorcing me, I will do anything." Seeing Cao Hongzhu nodding, Lu Zhaodi said happily: "You tell me how to write it, or you write down the content I'll copy it. You know, I only recognized a few words with Jin Hong after we got married, and I attended literacy classes for a few days. It's not like you have really gone to school."

Cao Hongzhu smiled and said: "It's very simple. I said you write it down and just write it down when you go back. If you don't have paper and pen at home, I have it here, including white paper, brushes, and ink."

Lu Zhaodi said sheepishly: "I can speak but not write some words."

In short, she is semi-literate, as she told Cao Hongzhu before.

Cao Hongzhu thought for a while, took out a pen and paper, spread out the white paper, and handed a brush dipped in ink to Lu Zhaodi, "You write according to my instructions. If you encounter words that you can't write, I will show them to you. Copy."

The title was given by Cao Hongzhu, and it was called "On whether Jin Hong, who is full of old feudal ideas, can continue to be the director of the Political Department."

The fonts in this line of title are particularly large. Although they are a bit crooked, they are clearly legible.

Among the twenty-one characters, Lu Zhaodi couldn't write seven, so she handed the pen to Cao Hongzhu and asked her to write it for her.

Next is the main content, which is to expose Jin Hong’s past remarks on favoring boys over girls and criticize his inappropriate behavior. He quoted the leader’s sentence “women can hold up half the sky” and pointed out that Jin Hong, as a military cadre, violated the rules. The old leader's guiding ideology is so heart-wrenching.

Compared with the title, these words are relatively small. Lu Zhaodi wrote them in a mess. Some of them were written incorrectly and were directly painted into a ball of black ink. Cao Hongzhu wrote the words that he couldn't write.

After spending half a day, a newspaper was finally written and dried.

Cao Hongzhu said to Lu Zhaodi: "If you post this newspaper, I guarantee that your wishes will come true."

"Hongzhu, if I achieve my goal, I will definitely come and thank you. Thank you properly." Lu Zhaodi rolled up the paper carefully and put it in her arms. "I'm going back first. I can't let Jin Hong go to the army to press for approval." His divorce petition."

"Go, go, I hope you succeed immediately!"

After sending Lu Zhaodi away, Cao Hongzhu was overjoyed, with a smile on her face.

Li Shuitian felt strange when he returned home, "Hongzhu, what good thing happened to you? Are you so happy?"

Cao Hongzhu rarely went out during this period. Firstly, Li Shuitian wouldn't let her go out. Secondly, she didn't want to see others shun her and sympathize with her because she was suffering from the pain of losing her son.

Because of this, Li Shuitian was more considerate than before, always paying attention to his wife's words and deeds.

After hearing this, Cao Hongzhu wiped her face, her smile finally softened a little, and said: "Of course, of course it's a good thing. Isn't that Jin Hong plotting against you behind your back? Isn't he uniting with others behind your back to try to pull you down and make him Do you want to replace him? I will let him fight with his wife now and let him have a taste of being plotted against."

Li Shuitian said hurriedly: "Hongzhu, what have you done? Don't do anything stupid! Chen Ju has already received retribution. Her son was sent back to his hometown by Comrade Qi Gang to be raised by his original wife. Life will definitely not be as comfortable as before. It’s time to let go of your anger and let’s live a good life, okay?”

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