"Of course, we have to live a good life, but I won't let go of anyone who dares to scheme against you!" Cao Hongzhu said with a fierce face, "Jin Hong, this bastard, you were so kind to him before, but he stabbed you One knife."

"What did you do?" Li Shuitian knew something was wrong.

Cao Hongzhu smiled and said, "I didn't do anything. The person who did it was his wife. Jin Hong is truly a bastard. I thought he only treated you badly, but it turns out he is also unkind to his wife and daughter! He wants to divorce Lu Zhaodi, The divorce application was submitted in a written report. Lu Zhaodi did not want to divorce him, and the two had a falling out. Lu Zhaodi came to me for advice, saying that she would make Jin Hong regret divorcing her, so of course I gave her some advice. "

Li Shuitian didn't find it strange at all that Jin Hong and Lu Zhaodi were divorcing. He knew that Jin Hong had no feelings for Lu Zhaodi long before the incident became public, otherwise he wouldn't have asked him to help him introduce a partner.

"What did you teach Lu Zhaodi?" Li Shuitian only paid attention to this one thing.

"I didn't do anything." Cao Hongzhu took Li Shuitian's coat and hung it on the hanger. "I taught her how to write a newspaper that exposed and criticized Jin Hong. I thought Jin Hong's face would be very interesting when she saw such a newspaper. , being betrayed by the person next to you is more painful than having a knife stabbed into your heart, liver, and lungs.”

Li Shuitian knew what kind of newspaper it was as soon as he heard it, and couldn't help stamping his feet: "Hongzhu, you are so confused!"

"Why am I confused? The person who posted the newspaper was Lu Zhaodi, not me."

Li Shuitian sighed, "Do you think everyone is a fool and you are smart? Hongzhu, although I have never been in contact with Comrade Lu Zhaodi, I know that this person is a powerful character."

Cao Hongzhu said amusingly: "Awesome? If she was so powerful, how could she be in this situation? No amount of humiliation can win Jin Hong's change of heart. It's probably out of despair that Lu Zhaodi wants to fight to the death with Jin Hong."

"Alas! Putting aside the issue of favoring sons over daughters, Lu Zhaodi is not stupid at all. Maybe she is not a very smart person, but she is definitely a person who is very adaptable." Li Shuitian sighed, "The situation of favoring sons over daughters in Jin Hong's family Do you think Lu Zhaodi is stupid to protect his mother and daughter? And I remember clearly that Jin Hong’s salary has always been sent to his parents, not Lu Zhaodi. Didn’t they still survive the famine in the past few years? And it went smoothly to the time of joining the army. Now that Jin Hong wants to divorce her and there is no way to recover, she immediately comes up with a way to threaten Jin Hong. How can ordinary people think of this? "

After Cao Hongzhu listened carefully, she couldn't help but said: "You mean that Lu Zhaodi must have a plan when he comes to see me?"

"You! When will you change your temper of not being able to see other people's kindness? It's true that we have grudges and revenge, and I don't want you to repay grudges with kindness, and grudges will be repaid to you. However, we can't make things out of nothing, and we can't live a good life because of others. The good thing is that you always targeted others and made them crazy. You shouldn't have reported the Army Chief and his family at that time. Fortunately, the Army Chief and his wife were magnanimous. Although they had only a weak relationship with us, they did not pursue what you did in the first place. I'm very grateful to them." Li Shuitian had a headache. "I think Lu Zhaodi came to you for advice, most likely to prevent Jin Hong from mentioning the divorce."

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