In fact, when Feng Qingxue heard the name Fu Nansheng, she remembered who this person was.

Decades later, one of the most famous painters in the world of calligraphy and painting was also a collector. It is said that many of his collections came from the cultural relics exported by the country in exchange for foreign exchange during the catastrophe, that is, antique calligraphy and paintings copied from various households. .

Feng Qingxue didn't pay much attention to his apprenticeship. It turned out that he studied under Wen Ruyu just like Lu Shaonong.

Among the information about Fu Nansheng, the most frequently mentioned thing is his Hong Kong citizenship.

Yes, Fu Nansheng went to Hong Kong with his family in the 1950s. It is expected that this is the reason why he and Wen Ruyu have not corresponded for many years.

Because Wen Ruyu accepted Feng Qingxue as his apprentice, the others left one after another. He was the only one left sitting in the main room and explaining the advantages and disadvantages of this ink lotus painting to Feng Qingxue. Lu Jiang and Guancheng cleared the dining table without disturbing them. Master and disciple, only Father Lu drank tea leisurely and listened to their explanations one by one.

After a long time, Wen Ruyu finally stopped talking, took a few sips of the tea that Lu Jiang poured for him to soothe his throat, "That's it for today, you first change your writing style according to what I said, the picture will Go further."

"Thank you, teacher!" After the old man explained, Feng Qingxue suddenly felt enlightened.

Although it is said that it is up to the individual to be led by a master to practice cultivation, without this master, the apprentice would not be able to touch the threshold at all.

Wen Ruyu waved her hand, "If you have talent, don't let it down. I think it's no worse than Guancheng, and even better in calligraphy and painting because of experience. I like children who are motivated and eager to learn, and I don't want to lose everything I have learned and what I have learned in recent years." The experience I just summed up disappeared before I could pass it on to the students, so I followed the trend at your father’s suggestion.”

Feng Qingxue smiled and said: "In the final analysis, it is the students who are lucky enough to be able to become your disciple."

She paused and lowered her voice, "There are two things. Let me tell the teacher first, so that the teacher will not worry about you all the time."

Wen Ruyu was about to go back to the bullpen with Father Lu. After hearing this, she was slightly startled and asked what was going on.

"That's Senior Brother Lu Shaonong and Senior Brother Fu Nansheng."

Wen Ruyu blurted out: "Do you know their whereabouts? Why didn't you tell them just now?"

"There were so many people just now, I felt it was inconvenient." Feng Qingxue smiled lightly, without showing off, and said simply: "Senior Brother Lu Shaonong and Senior Sister-in-law Lin Yufen are now settled in the Senior Sister-in-law's hometown, using their fake names and identities during the Anti-Japanese War, everything Peace. We met once on the train and later through letters, so we became somewhat friends.”

Wen Ruyu suddenly said: "The person who reminded them to leave their hometown was..."

"I am the student. I felt that the situation was not right, so I reminded them a few words. It seems that I was right to remind them. At least the senior brothers and sisters-in-law are safe and sound and have not been affected by this disaster."

"Fate, fate, who would have thought that we would have such a fate." Wen Ruyu was filled with emotion, "Where is Nan Sheng?"

Feng Qingxue hesitated for a moment, "Senior Brother Fu Nansheng... I forgot where I heard it. It seems that the Fu family in Shanghai is very rich and a national capitalist, but they took a boat to sea with their family ten years ago. Senior Brother Nan Sheng is the eldest son of their family. I guess it’s because of the situation that I can’t communicate with you.”

"Okay, okay, knowing that their lives are not in danger, my heart is half relieved."

. . . Ten chapters are updated in one go. Don’t you think I should reward me with monthly recommendation votes? More rewards from yesterday!

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