Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 901 Visiting Relatives and Friends 1

After Father Lu and Wen Ruyu left, Feng Qingxue was still very excited and walked around the room.

He held his face with his hands and made two ah-ah sounds from time to time.

That look, in Lu Jiang's eyes, was exactly the same as that of his daughter.

"I'm so happy!" Guancheng returned to the east side room to rest. The couple closed the door of the main room and entered the bedroom. Feng Qingxue immediately threw herself on Lu Jiang and kissed him hard on the cheek, "A Jiang, I really I’m really happy, I’m a famous disciple, right?”

A master like Wen Ruyu was someone she could only look up to and dare not hope for in her entire life.

Although Feng Qingxue came from a scholarly family in her previous life, the gap between the scholarly family and the scholarly family is huge. It is unlikely that a scholarly family could produce a master of calligraphy and painting like Wen Ruyu.

Even her grandparents in her previous life had great admiration for masters such as Wen Ruyu and Jin Ruochu.

Lu Jiang curled up his lips. He liked his wife's enthusiasm, and it didn't stop him from stretching out his arms to hug her hard. He kissed her back several times. The kisses were too frequent, causing her to hide back and cover his breasts with her backhand. mouth.

"Being a disciple of a famous family, are you really that happy?" It was unexpected.

Even Feng Qingxue was not as happy as she was today when meeting the old leader.

Feng Qingxue's mood slowly calmed down and she stroked her chest, "You don't understand."

Her biggest hobbies are actually reading, practicing calligraphy, and painting. In her previous life, because her family had better conditions, she started taking calligraphy classes, painting classes and other specialty classes since she was a child. However, those teachers were only good at teaching her the basics, and she usually followed her The elders in the family study, but how can the elders be as safe as Wen Ruyu, Jin Ruochu and others?

If it were not for the limitations of the times, if it were not for the dual reasons of work and family, then she would be immersed in the world of calligraphy and painting every day and never tire of it.

Therefore, she was particularly excited and flattered to become Wen Ruyu's disciple at the age of more than 20 years old.

Lu Jiang knew that his wife was thinking about her previous life, but he knew how much his wife loved calligraphy and painting.

"Since you like calligraphy and painting so much, then from now on I will do the laundry and cook at home, and you will specialize in painting." All he can do now is to support his wife's pursuit and take on the housework in life, so that she can have more time to study hard and practice hard.

"Thank you, Ajiang!" My husband couldn't say it out loud, so he just called her by name.

"Okay, okay, I've been tired all day. Let's go to bed early. Let's go to my uncle and aunt's house tomorrow." After traveling for several years, it was not easy to go home without leaving any relatives or friends behind.

"I have to take a hot bath to relieve my fatigue." Feng Qingxue said.

I didn’t take a shower for so long on the train, and I could get a handful of dirt just by rubbing it.

Since boiling water wastes firewood, Feng Qingxue collected a lot of hot spring water at Dezhong Hot Spring and filled all the buckets in the space. There were hot spring water with a temperature of more than 40 degrees and hot springs with a temperature of more than 50 degrees. water.

I took out the bathtub and filled it with hot spring water of more than 40 degrees Celsius. It was quite enjoyable.

Lu Jiang took a bath with Feng Qingxue's water, and it was almost midnight before the couple fell asleep hugging each other.

Early the next morning, Fu Bao woke up and sat up, rubbing his eyes, crawling over to pat his father's face, and touch his mother's face, "Dad, little lazy boy, mom, little lazy boy, little lazy boy, get up and get out of bed soon!"

As for Xibao, he probably just likes to play with boys, so he sleeps in the east side room with Brother Guancheng.

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