Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 902 Visiting Relatives and Friends 2

As the children woke up, the whole yard became lively.

However, the Guancheng brothers and Lu Tianzhi are both young. They usually eat well and have adequate nutrition. Guancheng is a strong laborer. Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu can also earn seven or eight work points every day. After eating, they have to go to the fields. Work.

Spring plowing has begun, and no one can be idle.

Xibao had just established a good relationship with his brothers and followed them step by step, "I am very capable!"

"Acheng, take Xibao with you. When you are plowing and weeding, just watch him and don't let him get close to the river." Feng Qingxue said while finding a small hoe for Xibao, "Xibao, go Go help grandpa and brother with the work!"

"Okay, mom, please wait until I finish my work and come back for dinner!" Xibao carried the little hoe in a high-spirited manner.

Feng Qingyun was very thoughtful and worried that Xibao would be ignored by them while they were working in Guancheng, so he immediately followed behind, carrying a dung dustpan with a small shovel and sickle in it. Take the opportunity to hunt pigweed and dig wild vegetables.

Wang Zhengguo and Miao Fengqin really doted on girls. Their son worked a lot, but their daughter used to be lazy.

Now, Feng Qingyun lives in their house. Even during the busy farming season, Wang Zhengguo and Miao Fengqin rarely let her work in the fields, saying that she is too young to do hard work and can only wash clothes and cook at home. Take care of your private plot.

Feng Qingyun was very knowledgeable, and often harvested pigweed to earn work points. She dug herbs and wild vegetables to make medicine for Guancheng and to satisfy her hunger.

Knowing that her sister likes to eat wild vegetables, Feng Qingyun naturally wanted to dig them up.

She saw Xibao greeting fellow villagers along the way with a very enthusiastic attitude.

"Grandpa! Grandma!"

"Brother! Sister!"

"Uncle! Auntie!"

One bite at a time, it was so sweet.

Because he called him correctly according to his seniority, the people he greeted were very happy and praised him repeatedly. The little guy became even more proud and shouted to an old man in his fifties on the side of the road: "Hello, grandpa!"

The other party laughed loudly, "Xiao Xibao, you call me grandpa? Are you asking your father to call me uncle? Will he spank you?"

Xibao was dumbfounded after hearing this, and his two eyebrows that were exactly the same as Lu Jiang's suddenly pulled together.

Lu Tianzhi suddenly felt embarrassed. He pulled Xibao and said to him, "Xibao, this is not grandpa. He is called brother."

This person is a close relative of the Lu family, and he is relatively close by blood. He has not been out of the fifth server, and his name is Lu Tianyi.

"Brother?" Xibao was confused for a moment. He grabbed the small hoe on his shoulder with one hand and pointed at the gray hair on Lu Tian's head. "It's not brother, it's grandpa's head!"

What he meant was very clear. Lu Tian had gray hair and was similar to Lu Zhiyuan. Under normal circumstances, he should call him grandpa.

However, this is not normal!

Guancheng coughed and said softly: "Xibao, let me tell you, seniority is not based on age. Although this brother is a little older, but based on seniority, he has to call your father uncle and grandpa. Grandpa, so you have to call him brother. Come on, call him brother. Remember, it’s not grandpa, it’s brother.”

Xibao felt dizzy after hearing this, "Brother!"

"Yes, brother!" Lu Tian smiled and reached out to touch Xibao's head. "From now on, please call me brother! Your little one is of high seniority. Grandpa is not just calling him random names."

"Hello, brother!" Lu Xibao changed his words obediently.

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