Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 904 Visiting Relatives and Friends 4

Feng Qingxue couldn't help laughing when she mentioned Wang Jiao.

"Is your cousin okay? How is Goudan? He even drank my milk when he was born. I was busy when I got home yesterday and didn't go to my cousin, but I prepared a lot of food for her and will give it to her later. Send it.”

Miao Fengqin snarled, "It's okay that Goudan looks like his father, but she is your cousin. She really has a bad temper that can't be changed."

"Your cousin has given birth to another son. Recently, she has a reason to stay at home and take care of the child instead of working in the fields." Wang Zhengguo added casually. It was a coincidence that the baby was born at the end of the year. The little meat and fish distributed in the brigade were all Entered her stomach.

Feng Qingxue was stunned, "What a good thing, what's your name? I still have some milk powder that Fu Bao didn't drink. Give her some."

"The nickname was given by your uncle. It's Zhang Yi. Isn't Goudan's name Zhang Heng? The brothers have perseverance and perseverance. As for the nickname, it's Yang Dan. Goudan was given the name by his milk." Fengqin had a miserable look on her face. Although she said she could make a living by using a nickname, wasn't it too ugly? Dog's egg and sheep's egg, what's the next one called? Eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, sheep shit eggs?

Feng Qingxue chuckled. If their baby was given such a nickname by an elder, he would protest loudly if he had any sense.

She and Lu Jiang sat in Wang Zheng's country for a while, briefly said a few words to understand the recent situation, and soon left for fear of delaying their work, and then went to the home of their second uncle, third uncle and aunt. , are all the same gift, impartial.

We visited all the relatives’ houses in Wanglou Brigade, and we also had to go and sit with the relatives nearby.

The relative is Feng Qingxue's relative, whose surname is Wang. He is not from the Lu family, and there are many elders living in close relatives of the Lu family. If you want to maintain the peace of the family, these relationships must not be severed.

Each family received a pack of yak jerky and a pack of candies, which was a considerable amount of supplies in total.

I visited one house after another, and it was almost eleven o'clock.

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue checked the time and hurried home to cook.

While the two were busy in the kitchen, Lu Jiang paid attention to his daughter's condition and said, "After you got married, except for the first year when you went to my second uncle's house for a wedding ceremony, you never went back. When you are free in a few days, let's take care of the child. Go to the Caohu brigade and meet the brigade secretary and the second uncle. Don't let people think that a married daughter is just like thrown water. "

As for Feng Qingxue's two brothers, Lu Jiang didn't mention them at all.

Feng Qingxue thought for a while and did not refuse, "Okay, it's time to go."

Let the original owner's two brothers and two sisters-in-law see that without them, the two sisters would have a better life.

Their lunch meal couldn't be compared to last night. They only had porridge with dried sweet potatoes mixed with corn crumbs, coarse grain steamed buns, and a few kinds of dried vegetables that were soaked and stir-fried. The only meat dish was fried bacon with dried beans.

The bacon was still old bacon. It should have been sent by one of Lu Jiang's comrades. I cut a piece last night and half of it was left.

"I don't know how they survived when I was not at home. The food was definitely not as good as when I was at home." Feng Qingxue was particularly concerned about her family's living standards, "Our family of four came back, but we didn't bring much food. Now is the time when the economy is lean. Let’s go to the city after dinner and get some food back.”

Lu Jiang understood what Feng Qingxue meant. She planned to take the opportunity to get some supplies from the space to support her family, so she nodded and said, "Okay, let's use the food stamps to go to the food management office to exchange for some food."

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