Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 905 Visiting Relatives and Friends 5

Time was tight, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue set off after dinner.

Father Lu excused himself from work in the afternoon because he fell down on his leg, and He Feng Qingyun took care of his grandson and granddaughter at home. He knew how much his daughter-in-law valued and cared about her children, and she would not feel at ease without an adult around.

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue borrowed the brigade's mule cart, and when no one was around during the trip, Feng Qingxue took out some coarse grains to feed it.

It's just corn crumbs, carrots, black beans and the like. Once you're full, you'll be able to run more energetically.

As soon as he entered the county town, he saw a large group of students wearing red armbands approaching. Lu Jiang immediately reined in his mule and stepped aside, allowing the group of students to escort four people as they roared past.


Seeing this situation at a glance, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue couldn't help but frown.

After they passed by, the couple looked at each other, sighed, and found the location of the grain management office. They wanted to ask if Chen Ming was there, but the new director Wang Zhou told them that Chen Ming had been transferred to the city a year and a half ago. .

"Since Brother Chen is not here, please ask Director Wang to exchange some food for us." Lu Jiang handed over the food stamps and money.

Military food stamps are everywhere.

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue had indeed saved a lot of food stamps, but now they only took out part of them.

It is very easy to exchange fine grain stamps for coarse grains, but the opposite is difficult.

With a smile on his face, Wang Zhou hurriedly followed Lu Jiang's request and weighed them twenty kilograms of white flour, fifty kilograms of cornmeal and one hundred kilograms of dried sweet potatoes, and put them into the cloth bags brought by Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue.

"If you two comrades are in need, please feel free to come to me in the future."

Passing by the scrap collection station, Feng Qingxue was ready to make a move.

Lu Jiang saw through it at a glance, "Okay, okay, let's go in and have a look."

With Feng Qingxue's magical space, not to mention Feng Qingxue, even he couldn't help but search for the treasures in the scrapyard.

What a pity it would be if those cultural relics, calligraphy and paintings that were confiscated and piled up in the scrapyard were sent to paper mills and steel mills?

Now that Feng Qingxue has Wen Ruyu as her teacher and is committed to painting and calligraphy, they should save the paintings and calligraphy that are about to be burned, which will not only help their own learning, but also reduce cultural losses.

"Just go in! But what about the mule cart and the things?" Feng Qingxue pointed to the mule cart and the food on the cart, "The mule cart is the precious treasure of our brigade. No one can afford anything if it goes wrong."

Lu Jiang smiled and said, "Ask the comrades from the scrap collection station to take a look at it. Besides, you have to believe in the style of not picking up items on the road."

"Can you believe it?" Feng Qingxue didn't believe it.

"Of course it can. More than one person's belongings have been left outside for a long time without being taken. Even if it is something left behind on the way, when you go back to look for it, either the thing is in the same place, or the person who picked it up has been waiting for the owner to return. ”

Feng Qingxue turned her head and thought about it, it seemed that the elders in her previous life had indeed mentioned this matter.

They said that even during the famine years, they would not close their doors at night and not pick up lost things on the streets.

Of course, this statement is a bit exaggerated. There are sneaky people in every era, but compared to the social situation a few decades later, the atmosphere of this era is really a thousand or ten thousand times better.

So, the couple entrusted the mule cart and things to the gatekeepers at the scrap collection station.

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