Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 906 Visiting Relatives and Friends 6

Stepping into the straw shed warehouse of the scrap station, Feng Qingxue opened her mouth.

The amount of waste accumulated now is ten times more than what I have seen before! It’s really piled up.

In the past, based on the words of her elders and Father Lu, Feng Qingxue knew that many good things during the confiscation of the house were actually used by the people who raided the house to fish in troubled waters to enrich their own pockets. Now she can overturn this statement.

The reason is very simple. It has been more than ten years since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Traditional culture has not been promoted, and those students have no knowledge of the goods!

They didn't know what the goods were, so they just beat, smashed, burned, tore them up, piled them in the yard and burned them with their blood. They never thought about how many priceless treasures they had destroyed.

Things that had no time to destroy were confiscated and flowed into various scrapyards for use in national construction.

Furniture is made of wood, which can be made into paper, and calligraphy and painting books can also be recycled into paper, not to mention copper and ironware. The country has a huge demand for paper, and it also needs gold, silver, copper and iron to support national construction.

If someone knows the goods, the cultural relics department will come forward to export the copied paintings, calligraphy, porcelain and other items in exchange for foreign exchange.

Many Chinese collectors from Hong Kong, Macau and Malaysia are happy to buy it.

This is what Feng Qingxue saw in some information recently. Not to mention, this is how most of the collections of senior brother Fu Nansheng came from. His family is rich, and he is still a rich man in Hong Kong. It is said that his son is still there He became an official in Hong Kong, so he could buy enthusiastically and became a very famous collector in the collecting world decades later.

Therefore, there are many things in the scrap collection station, and there are many types.

What does this mean? This shows that in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the division was divided into groups to target local tyrants, and only the property of some of them, such as big landowners and big bourgeoisie, was confiscated. People in academia with large collections of cultural relics were able to retain their own belongings.

Feng Qingxue saw a canopy bed with carved red sandalwood at a glance, and she really wanted to move it home!

Lu Jiang noticed Feng Qingxue's eyes and smiled, "Go back and ask the staff. We have many children and cannot cut down wood to make furniture. Can we buy this bed home?"

"Okay!" Feng Qingxue couldn't get what she wanted.

Uncle Li is still working here and has become the person in charge. He is very familiar with Feng Qingxue. Just now, Feng Qingxue secretly stuffed a bag of yak jerky to him. Because he thought of the children at home, Uncle Li hid it against his conscience.

Hearing the conversation between the couple, he couldn't help but whisper: "Just take whatever you like, quietly, don't make any noise, this canopy bed has to be dismantled before it can be taken out. I will give it to you at the scrap price." , Anyway, the ones sent here are all scraps. I also got some furniture from here to remodel at home. It is much stronger than the furniture sold in department stores, but I also paid according to the weight. "

After hearing this, Feng Qingxue hurriedly thanked Uncle Li, "Excuse me, Uncle Li. Let's take a closer look and see if we need anything."

"Take your time and take a look." Someone over there delivered another batch of things, and Uncle Li hurriedly went over to greet them.

Feng Qingxue asked Lu Jiang to take the tools that Uncle Li lent them to dismantle the canopy bed, and went to the waste paper pile to search for treasures. On the surface, she was collecting textbooks, but in fact, when she saw valuable books, calligraphy and paintings, she directly collected them. In the space, I was so busy that I was sweating profusely, covered with dust floating in the air, and my face was stained.

Halfway through the canopy bed, Lu Jiang suddenly called Feng Qingxue, "Come quickly!"

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