Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 907 Visiting Relatives and Friends 7

Hearing the strangeness in Lu Jiang's voice, Feng Qingxue quickly put down her Taobao work, moved closer to him, and quickly put the small baggage, wooden boxes and other things he took out from the secret compartment of the canopy bed into the space.

The couple was very careful. Lu Jiang blocked the eyes of outsiders and did not let anyone notice their little moves.

Time was running out, so Feng Qingxue didn't ask any questions. After collecting her things, she returned to the waste paper pile.

Although a large part of them were ancient books, calligraphy and paintings, the most valuable items only accounted for a very small part. For fear of being discovered, Feng Qingxue would only choose the latter. If there was a chance, she would buy the previous ones. Enough.

However, Feng Qingxue felt that the chance was very small, because these things should be sent to the paper factory soon.

The mind moves quickly, and the speed of the hands is not slow either.

As the sun sets in the west, the light gradually dims, making it easier to fish in troubled waters. Even if the wind and snow continue to speed up, the waste paper rummaged through only accounts for one-half of the waste paper pile.

Looking at the pile of waste paper that was left unread, Feng Qingxue had a trace of regret in her eyes.

Lu Jiang has already dismantled a canopy bed and two cabinets.

Feng Qingxue walked over and took advantage of others' unpreparedness to put two pieces of good wood furniture and a few small pieces of furniture under a pile of messy wood into the space, because they were piled in a mess and Lu Jiang had dismantled them. Some furniture is missing a small part that cannot be seen on the surface.

"We feel sorry for the scrapyard when we steal things like this. Take this and tell Uncle Li later that you found it in the drawer when you were dismantling the furniture. Don't mention the hidden compartment. Please hand it over to the country for use in national construction." "Feng Qingxue took a few gold bars and stuffed them into Lu Jiang's hand, "With the benefits, Uncle Li will definitely open the door to us."

Uncle Li was really pleasantly surprised, "It's yours. I've dismantled several pieces of furniture and never encountered such a good thing. It's you who just picked up the money. If it were others, you might not tell me."

These gold bars cost one or two hundred grams. Five yuan per gram is worth seven or eight hundred.

It must be a great achievement to deliver it. As expected, Uncle Li didn't care about Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue picking at the scrap station. "I will get off work in more than half an hour. If you pick some more, come over and weigh them."

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue thanked them, no longer caring about the furniture and wood, and went straight to the pile of waste paper and scrap metal.

Although Lu Jiang did not have a son to inherit his father's business, he had been nurtured by his family since he was a child. He had extraordinary eyesight and quick movements, as if there were afterimages in his hands. The wife takes it into the space.

After being reminded again by Uncle Li, the two of them reluctantly took their things to the scale.

A pile of textbooks, a pile of scattered wood, and a few scraps of metal. Uncle Li settled the accounts for them without asking. He even helped carry them to the mule cart and tied them up with hemp ropes.

Worried that the mule cart would be too heavy, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue did not get on the cart and drove on foot.

After leaving the city, it was already dark.

Feng Qingxue took out a flashlight to illuminate the road, and walked for a while. There was no one in front or behind her. She quickly put everything in the car into the space, fed the mule a full meal, drank water, and headed home. go.

The two finally had time to wash their hands and sit in the car to eat. Feng Qingxue brought out a bunch of delicious food.

After tearing off the big chicken drumsticks from the roast chicken and handing them to Lu Jiang, Feng Qingxue asked, "How did you find the hidden compartment of the canopy bed?"

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