Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 908 Visiting Relatives and Friends 8

After a busy period at the scrap collection station, Lu Jiang felt more tired than training. He had not eaten a grain of rice or water all afternoon, and he was already very hungry. He took a big bite of chicken.

After swallowing, he answered his wife's question.

"Many large furniture such as canopies and wardrobes in wealthy families have hidden compartments. Generally speaking, such hidden compartments are found in furniture made of precious wood. Our family used to have furniture. I have seen it. I was naughty when I was a child. , and even got into the secret compartment to play. It was a big secret compartment in the closet. My mother almost cried because she couldn't find me. "

Feng Qingxue blinked her big eyes, "Let's go to the city another day and see if we can still find the hidden compartments where treasures are hidden! The city's scrap collection station has more stuff than the county's, because the county's scraps are transported first. The city will then handle it centrally.”

Moreover, throughout the ages, wealthy people have lived in big cities.

Lu Jiang smiled and said: "If we have the chance, we will go and save as much as we can. Your space is really easy to use. God must have asked you to use it to save people and things. These cultural relics, calligraphy and paintings disappeared in such a It’s such a pity amid the catastrophe.”

By the end, the laughter turned into a sigh.

Feng Qingxue comforted: "We are just duckweeds in the big waves. Our only wish is that our families are safe. On the basis of our family's safety, we will try our best to help some innocent people and save some cultural relics, calligraphy and paintings that have been destroyed." . You should think this way, if we didn’t have this space, we wouldn’t be able to save people or save these things. The people and things we have saved now are an unexpected surprise for this era.”

"You're right, we can't go to Long to look at Shu." When we are satisfied, we will always be happy.

He didn't want to arouse his wife's pity for those people and things, and he was powerless to do anything about this situation. He could only quickly change the subject, "Aren't you curious about what we got from the secret room?"

"I'm curious. It's dark now. What do you think? Why don't we go home and wait until the child goes to sleep? We can take a closer look in the house to see if there are any special marks on those things and if there are any left by the owner. Information, if we meet the owners of these things in the future, we will return them to them." Feng Qingxue is not greedy for taking it for herself.

In her opinion, she has obtained a lot of ownerless things from the scrapyard, so there is no need to be too greedy. Moreover, some of the cultural relics acquired will be donated to the country in the future, and national-level cultural relics should not be left in the hands of individuals. .

When they were still some distance away from the Wanglou Brigade, Feng Qingxue kept taking out food from the space.

There are hundreds of kilograms of flour, rice, brown rice, cornmeal, etc., but it is only enough to last for a month.

There are eight or nine people in the family alone, and we cannot ignore the few old gentlemen in the cowshed. Looking at their sallow complexions, we can tell that the food is very poor.

It's good to save your life, but who dares to share too much of their food?

Wang Zhengguo said early this morning that from now on, he would not dare to give them too much food, and the work points given to them would be halved compared to ordinary people, because occasionally someone from above would come over to inspect, criticize, and then charge them. their testimonials.

As for other supplies, it is not convenient to take them out for the time being, because there is no good reason to deal with a group of people at home.

"We can't go on like this. Just eating food and vegetables will not be enough." Feng Qingxue said.

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