Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 910 Visiting Relatives and Friends 10

A box full of seals and seal stones, not gold and silver jewelry as imagined.

Feng Qingxue first picked out the seals and counted them. There were seventeen in total. Some were inscribed in negative, some in positive, some in seal script, some in regular script, some in running script, cursive script, etc., and the names engraved were different.

There are white jade seals, copper seals, sapphire seals, and gold seals, but there is only one of each.

In addition, there are a total of thirteen seals made of Tianhuang Stone, Chang Fossil Stone, Balin Stone, and Qingtian Stone. There are four seals made of Chang Fossil Stone, and the others have three seals each. It is dazzling to see.

There is also a pile of unfinished seal stones in the box, thirteen in total, including the four major seal stones.

"How much does the owner of this family like seals? He has collected so many top-quality seal stones." The most precious seal stone is the Chang Stone. Among the Chang Stones, the top ones are Dahongpao and Liu Guanzhang, both of which are included in the box.

Lu Jiang looked at the names engraved on the seals. Eight of the seventeen were engraved with the word "Guan Huang".

"Guan Kun? Isn't that Acheng's grandfather?" Feng Qingxue blurted out.

Lu Jiang looked solemn, "Yes, Acheng's grandfather was named Guan Huang. I remember it very clearly. You see, there are also his father's seals here. Although there are only two, the three characters Guan Zhixuan are very clear."

Feng Qingxue held it in her hand and looked at it carefully, "It's Guan Kun and Guan Zhixuan. How come the seals of Grandpa Acheng and his father appear in the hidden compartment of the canopy bed that was obtained by ransacking the house? It has been more than ten years since the Guan family's accident happened. ! Could it be that these things were not damaged after the house was ransacked, but fell into the hands of someone else, and then something happened to that person and his house was ransacked again, so they ended up in the scrapyard? How big a coincidence is this that we accidentally found Guan? Things from the Guan family. Look at the other things. Are they from the Guan family?"

"I'll call Acheng over first," Lu Jiang said.

"Go quickly. Since it is related to the Guan family, Acheng should be present."

Lu Jiang quickly called Guan Cheng over. After hearing the whole story, Guan Cheng threw himself on the table and grabbed one of the soapstone seals engraved with Guan Hong, his eyes filled with tears.

"Yes, it is the seal of my grandfather and father. It belongs to our family!" Guan Cheng's voice was choked with sobs. "I am very impressed with this seal. This is my grandfather's favorite Changhua chicken blood stone. He told me , left me several seal stones, and when I grew up, he personally carved a seal for me. When I was a child, I was naughty and often dipped my grandpa’s seal in cinnabar seal paste to stamp everywhere. There were several big stamps on a lotus picture, and then I was spanked by my father!"

Speaking of this, Guan Cheng looked confused, "But, but I clearly remember that the house was ransacked that day, and the seal stones and seals collected by grandpa were scattered all over the floor. One of the people who searched the house accidentally stepped on a seal and fell down. Dad and grandpa were not in the study together, so the seals should not have been mixed together. How could they be gathered together and placed in a secret compartment of the canopy bed until uncle and aunt discovered it? "

Lu Jiang pointed to the other small wooden boxes and small bundles on the table, "Open it and see if it belongs to your family."

"It's been too long, and I was too young at that time. I don't have many deep impressions of the things in my house before." Having said that, Guan Cheng followed his instructions and opened all the small bags and wooden boxes.

. . . Chapter 10, please give me a vote. It’s the end of the month. Please give me a monthly vote. I found out that the master said that someone asked me to sing, but I am tone-deaf, so please don’t sing.

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