The bundle contains several unframed silk paintings, some of which were mounted and then removed, some with fine brushwork and some with ink. The two bundles contained a total of seven paintings, folded neatly, and wrapped in fine silk. The outside was wrapped in oil paper and silk bags.

Guan Cheng looked at each one carefully, shook his head and said, "I don't remember."

Feng Qingxue followed and took a look. They were all authentic works by ancient famous artists, and they were famous ones. Each one of them could be called Taishan Beidou in the world of calligraphy and painting. There are really very few works that have been passed down to this day. There are even Song Huizong. A painting of flowers and birds.

A few decades later, any piece sent to auction can fetch a hammer price of hundreds of millions.

There was a seal about the kong left in the blank space of one of the paintings. It was a mark left after appreciation. Lu Jiang pointed to the seal and said to Guan Cheng: "This was left by your grandfather. Is it something from your Guan family?" , We can’t be sure now. Let your aunt keep these paintings in her mind, and ask Aunt Xu if she has a chance another day.”

Aunt Xu is the aunt of the Guan family. She has some impression of the famous paintings that the Guan family collected before he got married.

Guan Cheng hummed, "Only my aunt will know."

Another small wooden box is filled with gold, diamonds and jade. They are all relatively old jewelry. They are wrapped in soft cotton cloth to separate the collisions between them. They are really valuable.

Guancheng shook his head after reading it, saying that he didn't know their origin.

Feng Qingxue wrapped the silk paintings again and closed the wooden box, "If their true owners can be found, they will be returned to the original owners. If they cannot be found, these things will be given to you and Ayu in the future as your help to revitalize the Guan family. capital."

She felt that some of these things should be related to the home. It was possible that they were all, but there was also a possibility that they were not. The most likely possibility was that as she had said before, someone who was responsible for searching the house was fishing in troubled waters to enrich his own pockets and confiscating money from other people's homes. He kept the good things for himself and hid them in the secret compartment of his canopy bed. As a result, his house was ransacked more than ten years later.

After hearing Feng Qingxue's explanation, Guan Cheng waved his hands hastily, "No, no, Aunt, Ayu and I can't afford it."

The Lu family took in, raised and educated him and his younger brother, which was a huge kindness to them. How could they ask Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue to take the risk of getting something from the scrap collection station? Even if it once belonged to the Guan family, he was not qualified to accept it.

"What can't you take on? Aren't you and Ayu the children of our family? Although Xibao and Fubao are our biological children, there is no difference between you and them. The only difference is that you are older now. We don’t have to worry about everything. When you get married and start a business, your uncle and I will take care of it. Besides you, there are also Tianjun and Tianzhi. The things belonging to the Guan family belong to the Guan family. The calligraphy, painting and seals all complement the Guan family, no. We leave our reasons to ourselves.”

Feng Qingxue finished speaking in one breath and patted the table, "That's it, it's settled. Your uncle and I are better at hiding things. I'll help you keep them first. When the weather calms down, I will hand them over to you. After all, our family still has A bit of a dramatic danger.”

Guan Cheng opened his mouth, but Lu Jiang cut him off and said, "Just listen to your aunt!"

Although the things in front of them are valuable, and the silk paintings are even more exquisite, unique and exquisite, they do not belong to the Lu family. They have no idea of ​​keeping them as their own. Returning them to their original owners is the best solution.

Guan Cheng just wanted to accept the seal, but he knew that it would be useless to talk more, so he stood up and bowed deeply to Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue.

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