Uncle Li seemed to have discovered the dispute between them and ran over quickly.

"Girl, he is Comrade Huang Qingbai of the Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau, or the deputy director. He often comes to my place to look through and pick things up. He is not a bad person, but he bought a lot of waste paper and took it away. He said it was a national cultural heritage. That's what he said about the old man. My salary, I guess, is all contributed to the scrap station. I haven’t been here for a while, Comrade Huang.”

Deputy Director of the Cultural Relics Bureau? Feng Qingxue looked at the little old man in surprise.

Huang Qingbai sighed and said: "A large number of cultural relics from the Cultural Relics Bureau were handed over to the country for export in exchange for foreign exchange. I was so distressed that I didn't eat or sleep well for days and nights. How could I have the strength to come here? I finally regained my energy. Come and take a look, but as soon as we got here, this girl started grabbing paintings from me."

"Hey, old man, you must respect the facts when you speak. I got the painting first, okay?" Feng Qingxue said unhappily, and explained to Uncle Li by the way: "Our house is an adobe house, and the walls are full of holes. It didn’t look good, so I wanted to find some old newspapers and paintings to paste on the wall to prevent dirt from falling into the children’s eyes and mouths while sleeping.”

Huang Qingbai was so angry that he was shaking all over. His index finger pointed in the direction of Feng Qingxue. The back of his hand was covered with veins. "Do you know whose work this painting is? Do you know how high its artistic value is? You actually used it to plaster the wall. This old man is so angry."

Feng Qingxue made a face at him, "You are standing here, you still have the energy to argue with me."

Uncle Li hurriedly smiled and said: "Comrade Huang, just look at other things. There is a lot of waste paper there. There are many books, calligraphy and paintings from the old culture in it. In a few days, they will be sent to the city's scrap station or directly." We're at the paper factory. You can secretly choose a few paintings and buy them. I won't report them. This kid is a nice guy. He finally wants to pick a painting to take home and put on the wall. Don't fight."

Huang Qingbai turned around and pointed at Uncle Li, "You, you, you are rotten wood that cannot be carved!"

"Yes, yes, I don't understand the artistic value you are talking about, but how can there be any artistic value now? Aren't they all old culture and old ideas that should be eradicated? Fortunately, you met me. If I met others, I would have to treat you You can’t sue.”

Huang Qingbai shook his torn sleeves angrily, and just like Feng Qingxue before, he dove into the pile of waste paper.

Feng Qingxue stuck out her tongue at Uncle Li, "This old man..."

"Okay, okay, don't disturb anyone. If you want to choose a painting, put it in the textbook you can take out. I will turn a blind eye and weigh you." Although I don't understand why he doesn't do it for a while. There were people coming to the scrap station to pick up the things sent after the house was ransacked, but Uncle Li was not a fool. As long as it did not delay his work, they all paid and kept silent.

Feng Qingxue never expected to hear Uncle Li's words. It was an unexpected surprise. Although it was impossible to take away all the cultural relics, calligraphy and paintings that she picked in textbooks and newspapers, it was indeed much more convenient than before.

She was squatting here, and Huang Qingbai was over there. The two of them ignored each other and focused on finding their own goals.

Because Huang Qingbai was there, Feng Qingxue couldn't hide the selected cultural relics, calligraphy and paintings in the space. She couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. She suddenly remembered that Huang Qingbai had a capital accent, so she casually said: "Old sir, your name is Huang Qingbai, are you related to Huang Qinghong? ?”

Huang Qingbai suddenly raised his head, "Do you know Huang Qinghong?"

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