Feng Qingxue was startled and rolled her eyes. Her cleverness was exactly the same as Xibao's.

"I lived in the capital for a while and heard the name Huang Qinghong. Later, I met him once again. I thought the name was very similar to yours, so I asked about it. He is red and you are white, so they form the same generation as Qing. Don’t you feel like a family?” Just making things up casually.

"My name is Huang Qingbai. The cypress in the pines and cypresses means longevity. It means longevity. It is not black and white. You little eldest sister, don't change my name casually!" Huang Qingbai corrected Feng Qingxue's mistake seriously, and then Said: "Huang Qinghong is my old cousin. The red is the red of red beans, not the red of red, yellow, blue and green."

Feng Qingxue exclaimed, "I'm sorry, I was deaf and heard wrongly."

In fact, it was not that she heard wrongly, but that Uncle Li spoke a local dialect and his pronunciation was not accurate enough, so he misunderstood Bai as Bai.

Huang Qingbai held a painting he pulled out from a pile of waste paper, squatted and took two steps towards Feng Qingxue, "Do you know my brother? Do you know where he is? I received a letter from my hometown a while ago. He said he asked a group of students to take him away, and his children drew a clear line with him. My sister-in-law was furious, and I still haven’t heard from him at home.”

Feng Qingxue thought for a moment and did not tell the truth, "If I have any news, I will tell you. You are a staff member of the Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau. Do you live in the city? I should be able to find it."

"Then I'll trouble you!" Huang Qingbai sighed and looked at the painting in his hand, "I don't know what's going on in this world. Good cultural heritage has become a cancer. It was good in the past few years. At least the things from the Cultural Heritage Bureau can be preserved. But it has been unlucky since last year. Wave after wave, several cultural relics and historic sites in the city have been smashed cleanly. Cultural relics are going abroad in batches and entering factories in batches. My old man's heart felt like it had been cut off. I just thought that while I could still move and still have two wages, I could save some cultural losses for the country. "

Feng Qingxue was very moved.

Our Chinese people have always had strong resilience. No matter what era they are in, they always live tenaciously. There are always a group of ancestors who are dedicated to the country and do not hesitate to sacrifice everything.

She remembered that decades later, many of the museum’s collections were obtained from scrapyards by staff at that time.

In other words, there are many people like Huang Qingbai who are working hard for the country’s cultural heritage.

Of course, there are also a group of people who take advantage of the situation and buy cultural relics that are sold at low prices, and then sell them abroad at high prices as their first pot of gold, and then become rich.

"Although I admire you very much, old man, this painting means a lot to me and I can't give it to you." Feng Qingxue said.

"As long as it's not really plastered against the wall, you can take it away! Master Wen's words are unique and of great artistic value. Keep them in your collection and take them out after the limelight has passed." Hearing these words of great significance , Huang Qingbai knew that Feng Qingxue would not ruin the painting. He had said this deliberately in front of Uncle Li before.

Feng Qingxue felt relieved and her tone became much softer.

"Old sir, you work in the Cultural Relics Bureau, and you often go to the scrapyard to pick up things. No one reports you?" Feng Qingxue has space at her disposal and is extremely cautious in everything she does. It's rare to see someone like Huang Qingbai.

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