"Yes, but my old man took it back. Didn't I get these things to hand over to the country for export in exchange for foreign exchange?" Huang Qingbo said confidently, and then lowered his voice, "Since the cultural relics were sent to the trade department for export, I have only rescued some of them. If they don’t send it out, I won’t dare to hand over the things I picked up, and sometimes I’ll collect some fake antiques to fool those bastards who don’t understand!”

Huang Qingbai's eyes were full of helplessness and anger, which almost turned into reality.

"Our country's cultural heritage was robbed by Western powers in the past, but now it is sent away by our own people. It has fallen into the hands of foreigners. What is left of the country? Culture, culture, our descendants should take the best of it. Get rid of the dross and preserve the relics of our ancestors, but somehow, the essence and dross have become old culture and need to be destroyed!"

Feng Qingxue comforted: "It will pass eventually. As you said, the country will attach importance to cultural heritage. Isn't the Palace Museum preserved in this turmoil? You should be glad that it was not completely destroyed."

"By the time we pay attention to it, it's already too late. These cultural heritages are non-renewable. If they are destroyed, they will really be gone."

"Who says it's not the case? But we can only try our best to save it now."

Huang Qingbai was stunned, then reached out and patted Feng Qingxue on the shoulder, not caring about the two black slap marks he left on her clothes, "Good boy, there are not many children as courageous as you. Seeing you and I am a member of the same profession, and my old man is very happy! I have no money, so I can only watch many cultural relics and antiques enter the factory."

Feng Qingxue's heart moved. She wanted to say that she had money and gold, but she didn't have the means to buy a large number of cultural relics and antiques. But after thinking about it, she decided to forget it. She didn't want to take risks and harm her family.

Huang Qingbai was very proud, so Feng Qingxue took advantage of the situation and weighed and brought out ten or twenty pieces of books, calligraphy and paintings among the newspapers and textbooks.

As soon as she left the scrapyard, she was faced with Lu Jiang's black face.

Feng Qingxue felt guilty, so she turned around and ran away.

Lu Jiang was tall and had long legs. He caught up with her in a few steps and caught her with fire in his eyes. "Try running again!"

Feng Qingxue retracted her stepped foot, swallowed her saliva, and said with a silly smile: "Ajiang, are you here? Have you finished laying the adobe? I rode my bicycle here, how did you get here?"

She looked behind Lu Jiang and saw that there was no means of transportation.

Seeing his wife's painted face and blinking her big watery eyes, Lu Jiang's anger suddenly disappeared, and he said helplessly: "Next time you come, I will accompany you. You are alone. I am very worried." ! Look what time it is now. It’s getting dark halfway when you set out to go home. Doesn’t that scare me?”

"I'm sorry, A Jiang!" Feng Qingxue admitted her mistake obediently.

Before marriage, she was used to going out alone. After marriage, she took her children back and forth between the capital, home and the army. Moreover, she was an adult and her skills were not weak, so she became bolder. However, she did not expect that she was still in Lu Jiang's heart. She is a weak woman.

It's my fault for making him worry.

Lu Jiang took the bundled textbooks, newspapers, calligraphy and painting, "Stop talking, let's go back."

"Wait!" Feng Qingxue grabbed him, "Go to the grocery store and see if you can still buy some pig meat!"

Unable to resist his wife, Lu Jiang tied the things to his bicycle, went in empty-handed, and came out empty-handed, "No more, I asked the state-owned hotel to get it. A bunch of students are clamoring for meat. If there is no meat, the hotel doesn't want to entertain them properly." "

Feng Qingxue was a little disappointed, "If it doesn't happen, then it won't happen."

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