Lu Jiang was unhappy when he heard this, "That won't work. Since it's a bet, then I can't just pay the price if I lose. Well, I'll set a price. Wife, if you lose, I'll make you draw a painting. The two of us and the whole family of children and grandchildren will all paint it, and by then you will already be a member of the family, and the painting can become a family heirloom!"

Feng Qingxue smiled sweetly, "You have so much confidence in me?"

"Of course, famous teachers make great disciples!" Lu Jiang laughed loudly.

Talking and laughing along the way, I felt naturally not lonely. After walking for a while, we arrived at Huaihai City.

The two of them found a secluded place to collect their bicycles, and took out their luggage bags, including a bag of food and a bag of clothes, all carried by Lu Jiang. Of course, they were just showing off. When no one noticed the things in the space, they Can be accessed at any time.

The couple felt particularly relaxed and at ease without their children around, so they went to a state-owned hotel for lunch.

All the students in Tanlian left, and the state-owned hotel finally regained a sense of tranquility.

The same waitress came up to greet them. Judging by her dress and mannerisms, she was no longer a girl, but a mother with a little boy about two years old following her.

"This kid is so cute."

After ordering the food and paying for the food stamps, Feng Qingxue reached out to touch the little boy's head and stuffed him with a handful of toffee.

The waiter thanked her profusely, peeled a piece of candy for the child and put it in his mouth, and put the rest in his pocket. "Xiao Ke, mommy will keep the rest for you to eat tomorrow."

Xiao Ke nodded obediently, "Eat tomorrow."

The waiter took the child to the kitchen and soon brought over the food ordered by Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue.

There was no meat in the state-owned restaurant and food was in short supply. The couple only ordered two bowls of black noodles and two poached eggs.

After eating, the two bought tickets and got on the bus.

She didn't buy a ticket for the private compartment, so there was only a Datong bunk. Feng Qingxue chose a bunk close to the carriage. Lu Jiang was on the outside. They were both on the upper bunk. The luggage bags containing clothes were stuffed under the bed, and the ones containing food were placed under the bed. At feet.

Lu Jiang took out an old towel from the luggage bag under the bed and covered Feng Qingxue, "Have a good rest."

Feng Qingxue lay down with her clothes on and closed her eyes.

Only when you have enough energy can you have the energy to do things.

Lu Jiang also lay down. He was tall and the small berth was a bit narrow, so he could only lie down with his legs curled up.

Feng Qingxue quickly opened her eyes, "Can't sleep."

The sleeper car was full of men and women, including some Tanlian students who had been sent home. Most of them sounded like Shanghainese.

Most of the other passengers who heard this were angry but did not dare to show it.

Hearing this, Feng Qingxue and Lu Jiang looked at each other, with suppressed anger flashing in their eyes.

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