Lu Jiang reacted the fastest and patted the back of Feng Qingxue's hand.

"Don't think about it," he whispered.

Although he was just as angry as his wife, he knew how to restrain herself better than her.

There is no use getting angry in this situation.

Feng Qingxue breathed out slowly, suppressed the anger in her heart, and said to her husband: "I know, don't worry, I won't say or do anything impulsively. I know our current situation."

The general trend is that she will not conflict with these students.

It didn't happen before, it won't happen now, and it won't happen in the future. If you haven't been harmed by it, you have no right to do anything for others.

"now it's right."

Lu Jiang didn't say anything next, but his eyes were stern, deep and majestic. Feng Qingxue saw in him the demeanor of a famous general fighting on the battlefield, rather than his gentleness and harmlessness to his family.

He should be like this, so that as a wife, she likes and admires him.

"I'm hungry and want to eat." The noodles at noon had been consumed long ago. Feng Qingxue climbed to the end of the sleeper, opened her luggage bag, pretended to be pretentious, took out the scallion oil roll wrapped in gauze from the space, and handed it to Two for Lu Jiang.

Although she didn't make it herself but bought it in a previous life, white flour and scallion oil are considered scarce in this era.

Others seemed to smell the smell and sniffed their noses. They looked for Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue. When they saw the two of them dressed in military uniforms, they did not do anything except drool.

The girl who spoke before seemed to be called Zhou Ping, and Feng Qingxue heard the people traveling with her call her that.

With thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a round head, he looks full of energy and righteousness, but his mind is not generally evil.

Feng Qingxue remembered her appearance and her name, and one day she would tell the world about her evil deeds, because the world is very big, but also very small, and even she is not sure whether she will be able to do so in the future. Met Zhou Ping.

At this time, the conductor came to bring hot water. Many people took out their own enamel tanks to collect water and ate the dry food they had brought on the train with the water. Zhou Ping scolded the conductor, saying that they did not respect people like him. , saying that they didn’t serve the food because they wanted to sabotage the revolution, etc. Their attitude was outrageous.

Lu Jiang glanced at them coldly and said to Feng Qingxue: "When I followed the war, I could often hear the leaders telling us not to take anything from the common people. For this reason, the leaders often Although almost twenty years have passed, I have always remembered the rules set by the old leaders and never dared to forget them.”

Feng Qingxue said deliberately: "Why are you so heavily in debt?"

"Because leaders need to write IOUs. I don't know how many IOUs I have signed in my life. Even if I take a drink of water, the leaders will remember it in their hearts and say that they owe the people." Lu Jiang said every word, "If If any of my subordinates in our army take things from the people for nothing, they will be expelled from the army, and if the circumstances are more serious, they will be guilty of corruption, and a gun will be indispensable. Like the officer who was killed last year.”

At this point, Lu Jiang's momentum was overwhelming.

For a moment, there was silence in the carriage.

Those students who were yelling at the conductor restrained themselves a lot and did not dare to say anything again.

The conductor was filled with gratitude to Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue. When pouring water, he poured a full enamel jar of boiling water for them.

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