Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 937 Half a Liang of Food Stamps 1

Early the next morning, among the voices of these students, a long whistle sounded, and the train arrived at its destination.

After these students got off, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue walked off the train with other passengers and left the station.

It's drizzling like smoke.

"Find a guest house to stay first." Lu Jiang put his coat on Feng Qingxue's head, "I remember my comrades from Shanghai said that the train station has the most bus routes, and you can find the corresponding tram at the train station wherever you go! Let's not in a hurry!"

Feng Qingxue nodded, "Okay, let's find a place to live first!"

After asking around, I found out that there was indeed a state-owned hotel nearby.

The bored waiter was sitting in the hall downstairs at the front desk with a lazy attitude. When he saw them, he stood up and said with a smile: "Serve the people. Are the two comrades from the People's Liberation Army planning to stay here?"

Lu Jiang had been living in the army for a long time, and he didn't realize it for a moment. Feng Qingxue was so clever. When she was teaching Xibao and Fubao, she had already recited the quotations by heart, and immediately said: "The army and the people are united as one, let's see who can do it in the world." Enemy. Yes, we are new to Shanghai and want to stay here for a few days.”

Because the two of them were in military uniforms, Lu Jiang's cadre uniform attracted the most attention, so the waiter's attitude was particularly good, "A single spark can start a prairie fire. Please bring out a letter of introduction."

Feng Qingxue had already prepared it. With his family's connections, it was easy to get a bunch of blank letters of introduction.

Taking the letter of introduction in his hand and reading it carefully, the waiter immediately noticed something was wrong, "Political power comes from the barrel of a gun. Two comrades of the People's Liberation Army, the letter of introduction was not issued by the army."

"Our responsibility is to the people. Yes, we are revolutionary partners. We are on vacation now, so we are not going out in the name of the army." Feng Qingxue was particularly sharp-tongued, "We came to school for sightseeing at the request of the brigade secretary. Studying, because our hometown is in a relatively remote rural area, we always receive the policies and instructions from above later than others. "

The waiter's face softened a little, and he handed back the letter of introduction, "Carry the revolution to the end. Okay, I will open two rooms for you, two rooms with doors facing each other, so that you can take care of each other during your stay!"

Feng Qingxue has long been accustomed to the rule that couples cannot live in the same room even when they go out.

Lu Jiang was very angry. Why were there so many broken rules?

"To be a gentleman of the people, you must first be a student of the people." Feng Qingxue smiled and thanked the waiter, "It's raining outside. We just got off the train and didn't bring an umbrella. If we want to go out, I don't know where to buy one. To an umbrella?”

The waiter said: "Unity is strength. We have umbrellas here. You can borrow them from me when you go out."

Feng Qingxue's eyes lit up, "Corruption and waste are huge crimes. Thank you, comrade waiter."

The waiter collected the money, issued the invoice, and indeed arranged two rooms for them door to door. What made Feng Qingxue most satisfied was that there were electric lights in them, which neither her hometown nor the military family home had.

There are military offices and military hospitals, but not family compound, but it has been decided to provide them with electricity this year.

Although the train station was not far from the hotel, the couple still got caught in the rain. After the waiter brought hot water and an enamel basin, Feng Qingxue locked the door and changed into dry clothes, and then put Lu Jiang's The clothes are delivered to the opposite door.

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