Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 938 Half a Liang of Food Stamps 2

After closing the door, changing clothes, the two of them hid in the house and had a big meal.

Rice, mutton soup, the soup is full of meat.

Lu Jiang said while eating: "Honey, this space of yours is really magical. There are hot meals. When I was in the army, you would cook for me from time to time, and I didn't finish it for so long."

"After eating, it's completely gone." Feng Qingxue said.

Although a large amount of cooked food was prepared in case there was no way to cook during the apocalypse, it was not endless after all.

Because Lu Jiang likes to eat braised pork, one-fifth of the braised pork prepared in the space has disappeared.

"Then I have to eat less." After saying this, Lu Jiang still soaked the rice with mutton soup and devoured it. "The mutton tastes not as delicious as the mutton in our army. It has a strong smell of mutton, and the meat is a little fat and soft. Not chewy enough.”

Feng Qingxue rolled her eyes. The cooked food she bought were all processed, so naturally they would not use particularly expensive and good ingredients.

"If you think the mutton soup is bland and not flavorful enough, I'll treat you to mutton skewers!" She first took out a plate, and then took out some pieces of mutton that had been removed from the iron when grilling mutton skewers. Each piece had walnuts. Large, fat and thin, with an attractive aroma.

I bought it in the northwest region, authentic halal mutton kebabs.

Feng Qingxue had a small appetite and was already full. She poured the remaining half bowl of rice into Lu Jiang's bowl, then took out a large handful of lettuce leaves, picked up a piece of mutton that was still hot, and stuffed it into Lu Jiang's bowl. Mouth, "How about a taste."

Lu Jiang's mouth was filled to the brim, and he managed to swallow it, "It's delicious!"

"If it's delicious, eat more of it!" Feng Qingxue thought of an advertising slogan.

Lu Jiang had a huge appetite and ate all the food on the table, almost burping.

Feng Qingxue put the dishes and chopsticks into the space. There was no water in the room, so she couldn't wash them. Then she opened the window to diffuse the smell, lest the waiter come in and smell the mutton and report them for eating.

In times of scarcity, not everyone could eat mutton.

Half an hour later, the smell was almost gone, and the wind and snow pulled Lu Jiang away.

"Let's go, time is very tight, let's go out and walk around, feel the way, and then just eat."

Lu Jiang certainly has no objection to the heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

The couple locked the door to the room, borrowed two old oilcloth umbrellas from the waiter, and went out one after another.

Yes, two umbrellas. The reason is that gay men cannot share an umbrella with gay men, even if they are husband and wife.

Shanghai City certainly deserves its reputation.

Walking along the roadside, you can see all kinds of small bungalows and old bungalows, and you can also see passers-by in a hurry. They say that Shanghai is the most fashionable place to dress, but looking at the clothes Men and women wearing umbrellas or without umbrellas and raincoats don't look particularly fashionable in their attire. If they wear raincoats, they can't see clearly what's underneath.

However, they are very energetic, hold their heads high, and speak one Ala, one Yi, or Lao Pang Gua.

Lu Jiang didn't understand and asked Feng Qingxue in a low voice: "Can you understand Shanghainese?"

"I know Ala means what I mean, Yi means what he means, Nong means what you mean, and Lao Banggua seems to mean what the old man means, right? I don't quite understand the rest." Feng Qingxue also answered him in a low voice.

She had been to Shanghai in her previous life and even stayed at a relative's house for a while, gaining a little understanding of Shanghai's customs and customs.

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