Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 939 Half a Liang of Food Stamps 3

There are trams on the road, and trams come and go. Through the windows, you can see that the cars are full of people.

Feng Qingxue specifically looked up and felt dizzy.

Unknowingly, the two of them came across a nearby scrap station.

Shanghai is such a big city, so of course there are more than three or five scrap depots. Especially during such a catastrophe, the scrap depots are very useful. Many things confiscated from homes are sorted here and then transported to the factory.

"Serving the people. What can you do, two comrades?" The staff at the scrap station were meticulous.

Lu Jiang already had previous experience and said casually: "Corruption and waste are huge crimes. We both came from poor backgrounds, our hometown is in a remote location, and we lack paper and pens. We wanted to see if there is any paper that can be recycled in the waste depot. The pen is used to copy the quotations of the old leader and go back to publicize the importance of the quotations to the fellow villagers. "

Upon hearing this, the staff stepped aside with a smile on their faces, "Study hard and make progress every day. Propaganda is very important. You can go to the warehouse to find usable pens and paper, but you can't bring anything that will undermine the revolution!"

"Ten thousand years is too long. Seize the day and night. Don't worry, we are wholeheartedly facing the red sun and have no intention of sabotaging the revolution."

After Feng Qingxue finished speaking with a smile, she and Lu Jiang were led by the staff into the warehouse filled with waste paper.

Unlike the thatched sheds in their city, this is a warehouse, a very large and empty warehouse. The waste products are also piled up in different categories. The quantity is larger and it looks very grand.

Feng Qingxue and Lu Jiang had discussed it. They were outsiders and it was unlikely that they would be able to bring large pieces of furniture out, so they focused on light things such as books, calligraphy and paintings that were easier to carry and less likely to be discovered. Try to steal as many antiques as possible without anyone discovering them. After all, every cultural relic is full of the wisdom of the ancients.

There are too many books, calligraphy and paintings, and it is not easy to find valuable cultural relics with this number.

I can't stand comparison. It's easy to find a few saplings from a small mountain, but it takes a lot of effort to find a few saplings from a continuous mountain.

The two of them were disgraced for more than half an hour. They found a lot of white paper, brushes and other things, but only a few valuable calligraphy and paintings.

One picture is better than nothing.

With this belief, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue continued until Feng Qingxue pushed Lu Jiang's arm, "I just took a look. There are several particularly precious pieces of Ming and Qing huanghuali and gold silk in the old furniture over there. For nanmu and small-leaf red sandalwood, you can go to the staff and ask if we don’t sell furniture there. Can you buy some old furniture and renovate it at home?”

This is the best excuse, the most versatile excuse.

Lu Jiang thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll try it."

He noticed that the staff guarding the warehouse had cigarette butts in their mouths. Smoking in a place like the scrap yard was quite dangerous, but he was unscrupulous and asked Feng Qingxue for a pack of cigarettes. He knew that Feng Qingxue often bought some. Tobacco and alcohol are stored in the space.

Feng Qingxue took a box of 65 cent Chinese and handed it to him, "Don't argue, just buy it if you can, and forget it if you can't."

Although Ming and Qing furniture made of precious wood is valuable, it is far less valuable than the safety of my own couple.

Lu Jiang came to the staff member and handed him a cigarette, "A single spark can start a prairie fire. Comrade, can I buy a few pieces of old furniture and take them back for renovation? There are many children in the family, and several of them have reached the age of marriage. , but we can’t get furniture tickets and can’t buy furniture, so we want to renovate old furniture like we renovate old ideas.”

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