Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 940 Half a Liang of Food Stamps 4

The staff member held the cigarette and looked at the cigarette box in Lu Jiang's hand, which contained only one cigarette.

Seeing that Wei was aware of it, Lu Jiang immediately stuffed the cigarette into his pocket and whispered, "I don't smoke, so I gave it to my comrade."

The staff member immediately laughed and spit out the cigarette butt in his mouth, "Okay, you have to dismantle the old furniture before you can take it out. Weigh it by the kilogram, and you can't lose a penny, otherwise I won't be able to explain it."

"Thank you, comrade. Thank you. Please lend me a few tools so I can dismantle the furniture."

With cigarettes, everything is easy to talk about and everything is easy to handle.

The staff knew very well that, on the one hand, Lu Jiang was wearing a cadre uniform, and on the other hand, Zhonghua Cigarettes were also cadre cigarettes. Without an approval slip, ordinary people with money could not buy them, including Moutai.

"It's good to be a soldier, but it's even better to be a cadre. You can get approval for tobacco and alcohol."

After hearing his emotion, Lu Jiang immediately said: "We came to Shanghai for business and didn't bring many things. We do have a bottle of Maotai and a bottle of Fenjiu. Let's have a taste tomorrow."

That's what he said, but the staff knew very well that the other party gave it to him, "It's a waste, it's a waste."

In the evening, Lu Jiang easily carried two large bundles of old furniture parts and Feng Qingxue out.

Feng Qingxue was in high spirits, holding the paper and pen she had bought openly and honestly. In this afternoon, she had probably stolen more than thirty priceless paintings and calligraphy, more than forty ancient books, a dozen pieces of copper and ironware, and twenty Many pieces of porcelain, a dozen small wood carvings, and some precious things hidden in the secret compartments of old furniture.

After explaining it to the hotel attendant, the furniture parts, paper and pen on the surface were brought back to the room smoothly.

After a simple shower, the couple lived in separate rooms.

Feng Qingxue took advantage of the break to dry her hair to sort out the cultural relics and antiques that had been put into the space. The things in the space could be organized according to her ideas. Clothes, food, etc. were all piled up in categories, including the cultural relics and antiques that had been brought in recently. Without wasting her own time, she just recorded today's harvest so that she wouldn't be in a hurry when she can donate it in the future.

The first ride went relatively smoothly, and Feng Qingxue had a good sleep.

I got up early the next morning and asked Lu Jiang to go out for breakfast. They always hid in the house to eat, which would definitely arouse people's suspicion. Who would not eat or drink?

Therefore, it is necessary to eat three meals a day out, just eat less.

There was a breakfast shop nearby, and the two of them received a warm welcome after entering. Lu Jiang wanted to eat fried steamed buns, and ordered two guests of fried steamed buns. In addition to the food stamps, the total cost was 24 cents, and he also ordered a bowl of salty soy milk. The wind was light. Xue wanted to eat wontons, so she ordered a bowl of wontons.

The waiter said: "Serving the people. Wontons and half a tael of food stamps."

"Half a tael of food stamps?" Lu Jiang's eyes widened, "How do you pay for half a tael of food stamps? Tear one tael of food stamps in half?"

Before Feng Qingxue had time to speak, the young waitress rolled her eyes at him, "You can tell from Comrade's words that he is an outsider. Didn't you know that Shanghai issues half a liang of food stamps? One liang of wontons and half a liang of food stamps. A fried dough stick is half a liang of food stamps, a bowl of soy milk is half a liang of food stamps, a bowl of chicken porridge is half a liang of food stamps..."

Lu Jiang quickly stopped, "Stop, stop, it turns out that half a tael of food stamps can buy so many things. I'll give you the money and the tickets. Please give us the two taels of fried steamed buns, a bowl of salty soy milk and a bowl of wontons that we ordered." Qingxue, what else do you want to eat?”

Feng Qingxue smiled and shook her head, a bowl of wontons was enough.

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