There are only ten small wontons in a bowl, but the soup is very delicious.

There were only four fried steamed buns for one customer and eight for two customers. Lu Jiang was not full at all.

Feng Qingxue pursed her lips and smiled, and hurriedly bought two more rice cakes for him.

When paying and paying for food stamps, the waitress looked at Lu Jiang and said to Feng Qingxue: "Unity is strength. Comrade, the revolutionary partner you have found is too uneconomical."

Surprisingly, there is no Shanghai accent anymore.

"Modility makes people progress, and pride makes people fall behind. Comrade, why is it not cost-effective?" Feng Qingxue didn't understand for a moment.

While bringing her hot glutinous rice cakes, the waiter said: "Study hard and make progress every day. Your revolutionary partner is tall and tall, and it takes a lot of fabric. The fabric required for a dress is as much as one and a half of my mouth." "Looking at his appetite, he's still not full after eating two servings of fried steamed buns, so you order him two portions of glutinous rice cakes. People like him are the least popular among us!"

Feng Qingxue chuckled, "Nothing is difficult in this world, as long as there are people who are willing. It's okay, the clothes are distributed by the army on time."

"Yes, I forgot that you are all soldiers." The waiter reacted, "Unity is strength. The army not only provides clothing, but also provides food. It's cost-effective, cost-effective, it's so cost-effective."

Lu Jiang had nothing to say about the waitress's careful calculation.

He asked Feng Qingxue to eat the glutinous rice cake first, and then he would eat the leftovers.

Feng Qingxue liked the glutinous rice cake very much and ate a small portion of it.

While looking around boredly, she found that the customer at the next table ordered a fried dough stick and a chicken porridge. She always thought it was the kind of chicken porridge in Guangzhou, but it turned out to be white porridge with a little chicken soy sauce on top.

After eating and drinking, the two of them went to the scrap station carrying their satchels.

Yesterday I already knew the name of the staff member, Mu Yangdong, whose real name is Murong Yangdong.

The reason why Murong was changed to Mu was because the compound surname Murong belonged to old ideas and culture, so it was simplified to Mu.

When Feng Qingxue learned the reason, she was simply speechless.

According to this, does Ouyang Zijin also have to change his name? Change it to Ou Zijin or Yang Zijin?

Mu Yangdong himself is a rogue. Taking advantage of this movement to replace the previous staff, his attitude is not too serious and he likes to smoke and drink. Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue fall in love with him, so he opens the door for convenience. Anyway, He checked everything he took out, and found that there was nothing that could undermine the revolution. It was just waste, and there was nothing criminal about it.

Hiding the two bottles of wine like a treasure, Mu Yangdong stood guard at the door with his legs crossed. It was not until noon that Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue came out to weigh the wine. They only had some paper, pen, ink, ingot and inkstone.

Stacks of rice paper and bundles of brushes were copied from who knows which time-honored brand.

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue made a lot of profits today. They came again after lunch and searched the entire scrap station in two days. They felt that there were not many fish that could escape the net, so they took the tram and transferred to the scrap station to say goodbye.

Afterwards, they gave Mu Yangdong a pack of cigarettes, which cost one dollar in China, and Mu Yangdong told them everything they knew.

The two also asked Mu Yangdong for the address where He Qingyin sent a letter to Wen Ruyu. As expected, it had been ravaged by students long ago. All the literati and scholars in that area had suffered, and the houses had been nationalized and were now given to some Staff of government agencies.

Wearing military uniforms, they were treated well on the tram.

The locals, who originally looked down on outsiders, looked friendly and showed no disdain.

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