The fare is calculated based on the road section. Each section can take four stops. If you take five stops, it will only take one more stop, but it will cost three cents more. Therefore, many locals will skip one stop and walk the remaining stop. go home.

The two outsiders, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue, admired him for being so careful with his calculations.

After getting out of the car, the two went straight to the scrapyard.

The staff at this scrap station were much stricter than Mu Yangdong. They were very unkind and rude to talk to. Feng Qingxue spent a long time trying to get in. As a result, the couple was disappointed. There were very few scraps inside.

When I asked, I found out that the scraps had just been sent away the day before yesterday. They were transported to factories, such as paper mills or steel plants.

The previous things were sent out, but the things copied later were not sent, so naturally they seemed empty.

After working hard all day, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue only found two valuable calligraphy and paintings, a book of Buddhist texts and more than twenty pieces of porcelain after careful identification. The porcelain was not easy to recycle, so they planned to hand it over to the foreign trade department as handicrafts for shipment. On the southeast coast, exports are exchanged for foreign exchange.

They took some of the cups, dishes, and pots in their hands and said they would take them back to use in their daily lives, but they took them out too.

There was a coral bonsai that was particularly beautiful, bright red, and Feng Qingxue wanted to take it away, but the location was too conspicuous.

If a bonsai disappears, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of the staff.

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue could only leave with regret and return to the state-owned hotel where they lived.

"Do your best and obey fate." Lu Jiang comforted, "There are too many things in the world that we cannot save. Although bonsai is beautiful and precious, it is far inferior to cultural heritage."

Feng Qingxue nodded, "That's all we have to do, we'll change to a scrap station tomorrow."

Shanghai is a big city, and the scrap station is very far from the train station. They took the tram around half of the city, and took another tram in the middle. They spent a few cents on the travel expenses alone, and finally arrived at their destination.

Fortunately, this company's waste products were not sent away and were piled up in the warehouse.

The staff member is a middle-aged man, honest and easy to talk to.

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue spent three days without even eating lunch and stole more than 400 pieces of antique paintings and calligraphy that were cultural relics. They did not choose large pieces of furniture that could be easily discovered after theft, even if they were very expensive, so Only small items were stolen, including more than a hundred pieces of books, calligraphy and paintings, more than a hundred pieces of porcelain, and more than a hundred other miscellaneous items in total.

When they rummaged through the piles of waste, they couldn't tell how much was missing, even with sharp eyes.

Because it was a theft, and because the staff guarding the warehouse had good personalities, Feng Qingxue followed what he had done in his hometown and asked Lu Jiang to give him two gold bars and hand them over to the country to compensate for the price of the things they stole.

When they went to the fourth scrap station, the two of them changed their appearance, their clothes were shabby, and they looked like poor people.

As soon as they arrived at the door, they saw several flatbed trucks entering the scrap station. The trucks were filled with all kinds of scraps. At this time, a man urging the truck puller to hurry up quickly walked over to them and greeted Feng Qingxue. , "Comrade Qingxue, is that you?"

Feng Qingxue was stunned and looked at the person.

After squinting for a long time, she suddenly remembered, "Are you... Comrade He Hongjun?"

"Yes, yes, Comrade Qingxue actually recognized me!" He Hongjun laughed happily, "I thought I saw the wrong person on the tram a few days ago, but I didn't expect it was really you, Comrade Qingxue! "

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