He Hongjun seemed very happy when he met his savior, with a bright smile on his face. He was much more amiable to Meng Shouguo and the staff at the scrap station. He pointed to the things unloaded from the car and said, "These things have all arrived. As before, you arrange the staff to sort it out and send it to the paper mill and steel mill. Don't let the porcelain ornaments go to waste. Don't break them casually and hand them over to the cultural relics department when the time comes. "

"Cultural Relics Department?" Feng Qingxue looked curious.

"Yes, it will be handed over to the cultural relics department first, and then shipped to the southeast coast together with the batch of things from the cultural relics department, and exported directly by the local trade department." He Hongjun explained to her, "Recycle! Many things They are all handicrafts that foreigners like, and we can use them to exchange for foreign currency to support national construction. "

Feng Qingxue nodded slightly, "Is the cultural relics department you're talking about the Cultural Relics Bureau?"

"Yes, the Cultural Relics Bureau's cultural relics are being sorted out. They are about 70 to 80% done. When they are all sorted out, they will be sent to the factory. Those that can be exported will be shipped, along with those collected from various scrap stations. He Hongjun said, "I am responsible for supervising this area to prevent anyone from sabotaging the revolution, so I know it very well."

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue were moved in their hearts, but remained silent.

Meng Shouguo sent He Hongjun off to say goodbye to Feng Qingxue and his wife. When he came back, he immediately arranged for several staff members to get busy.

Their busyness did not affect Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue's selection in the scrap pile, but it took a little time to steal, and they always had to be on guard against someone coming to them or looking at them.

Remembering that He Hongjun said that all the things he had just copied had been transported, the two looked at each other, changed their minds, and stepped forward to help first.

Don't underestimate the fact that it was just a few carts of things, but they were delivered immediately after the house was ransacked. There were no signs of smashing or burning. After sorting them into categories, Feng Qingxue stole fifty or sixty cultural relics, with Lu Jiang's thousands of cover-ups. It was unexpectedly not discovered by the careless staff.

After helping out, the couple threw themselves into the hill-like pile of waste paper.

Meng Shouguo came over to take a look and found that there were blank sheets of paper and some writing brushes, cups, plates, pots and other things that could really be used as daily necessities neatly placed at their feet, so he said hello to them and walked away from afar. .

Wiping the sweat from her forehead, Feng Qingxue continued to focus on the waste products.

In the next two days, the two of them came to the scrap station every day, sometimes helping, sometimes rummaging for what they needed. This won the favor of the staff. Everyone likes people who are willing to help.

On the morning of the third day, when Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue came, they found that the staff were loading the scraps of metal into the car one by one. The two immediately stepped forward to help, and the question came out, "Are they going to be transported to the factory? "

The question was asked by Feng Qingxue. When she was putting things in the car while moving things, she stole a bronze mirror that she hadn't found before.

After these years of experience, she feels that she can be called an expert in antique appraisal.

Among the cultural relics and antiques taken away by her, there must be something she misjudged, because some of the fakes were so lifelike that it was really difficult to tell the authenticity from the fake. However, she would rather have them in the space and have someone identify the authenticity in the future than let them be annihilated. Maybe they are. It’s the real thing!

A middle-aged woman among the staff smiled and said: "Yes, send the scrap copper and iron to the steelmaking plant first."

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