When sending the "crafts" to the cultural relics department, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue persuaded the staff to help push the cart filled with "crafts" to the cultural relics warehouse.

Seeing the dazzling array of things in the warehouse, Feng Qingxue immediately opened her eyes.

The cultural relics in the cultural relics department are naturally genuine, while those copied from outside are mixed authenticity.

It is heartbreaking to think about so many cultural relics being sent abroad.

National cultural heritage, how much foreign exchange can be exchanged for it during this period? The country is poor and backward, and even foreigners look down upon their own country. They can buy a whole boatload of cultural relics with just a little money.

"I really want to steal everything, everything!" Feng Qingxue said to Lu Jiang after returning to the state-owned hotel.

Lu Jiang looked at her, "Honey, do you dare to have sex with me?"

Feng Qingxue's eyes lit up, "What do you mean?"

"I have observed it. Everyone thinks that those cultural relics have little value. They are not closely guarded during the day. They go straight to get off work in the evening. According to our abilities, it is like entering a deserted land." Lu Jiang stretched out his hand and dipped some water. I drew several routes on the table, "Go in from the back and go around to the warehouse door. I can open the lock and restore the lock to its original state when I come out."

For a soldier who has experienced hundreds of battles, it is no big deal to fly over the walls.

Feng Qingxue is more courageous than the rest of the world. With Lu Jiang as her backer, she will be even more fattened up. She really can't bear to have so many cultural relics wandering overseas. In the future, people from her own country will have to spend money to buy them back, or it will be very big. Some of them are stored in museums abroad.

"Just do it, why don't you dare? We have space that encompasses everything. No one can imagine that we stole it."

As for how to send it back in the future, just send it back as you stole it!

No one in the world can imagine the existence of space.

Feng Qingxue and Lu Jiang came here for the cultural relics that were in danger of being destroyed, so naturally they were unwilling to allow so many priceless cultural relics to be sent away from them.

Seeing it with your own eyes and hearing it with your own ears are completely different.

The two explained to the hotel attendant that they were out looking for a friend. If they arrived too late and couldn't find anyone, the tram would have almost finished get off work. They were looking for a guest house to stay overnight temporarily. The room here had to be reserved for them. They found If there are no people, they will come back because they need to leave by train.

The waiter did not doubt their plan and nodded in agreement, "Serving the people. Don't worry, two comrades, no one will touch your luggage or the things you bring back."

So, the couple found a guest house to stay near the cultural relics department.

In the dead of night, the two of them walked out of the guest house dressed in black and walked directly into the courtyard of the cultural relics department.

The supplies in Feng Qingxue's space were all prepared for the end of the world. Naturally, there were a series of auxiliary tools, such as ladders made of fine steel. The two of them used the ladder to climb over the wall and then retracted the ladder into the space.

Lu Jiang opened the lock easily, and the two of them slipped in, closed the door gently, and then turned on the flashlight.

Feng Qingxue was so quick at stealing, she took all the cultural relics into the space, and in an instant, the warehouse was empty.

Before leaving, the two left a large box of prepared gold.

Everything was done in the dark, and they all wore gloves prepared by Feng Qingxue, leaving no trace. They even wore new shoes and shoe covers on their feet, leaving no footprints on the ground.

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