Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue were very excited about doing such a bold thing, and they didn't sleep well all night.

The next day, they ate at a nearby dim sum shop and heard no rumors.

After eating, they continued to wander around the area as if nothing was wrong, pretending to be looking for someone. When it was about nine o'clock, they saw people suddenly coming and going at the gate of the cultural relics department. Many public security officers were running around, and everyone had expressions on their faces. Seriously, I went to visit everywhere.

At the same time, they also saw He Hongjun's figure among them.

When it was almost noon, most of the people gradually dispersed. Lu Jiang, who was standing on the roadside, waved to He Hongjun.

He Hongjun wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked, "Why are you two comrades here?"

"We came to look for someone nearby, but we couldn't find anyone, and we couldn't catch the tram back, so we stayed here for one night and immediately returned to the state-owned hotel where we were staying near the train station." After Feng Qingxue answered his question, she raised her chin towards the cultural relics. The department raised their eyebrows and said, "What happened there? I see that the public security department has been dispatched, either with a confused look on their face or a stern look on their face."

He Hongjun looked around and whispered: "Something big has happened, something huge, something that cannot be explained. At this time when the remnants of the old world are being destroyed, it is simply appalling that something like this happened."

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue asked what was going on.

"A large number of cultural relics that the cultural relics department was preparing to ship to the southeast coast suddenly disappeared overnight. There was nothing in the entire warehouse. Oh, no, there are still some shabby things in the warehouse. The broken shelves where books, calligraphy and paintings were previously stacked, Because the cultural relics are all packed in boxes. In addition, a large box of gold and an antique mahogany box appeared on the scene. Can it not be shocking? "

He Hongjun shook his head as he spoke, with the shock of discovering this fact still remaining on his face.

Feng Qingxue covered her mouth with her hand and exclaimed in a low voice: "Isn't that a magical method?"

He Hongjun sighed: "Most of the people are muttering like this in their hearts, but they just don't dare to say it out loud. It's too miraculous. It's impossible to explain this phenomenon without any magical means. I won't say it anymore, I won't say it anymore, and some of them will be busy next. ”

"Then go and do your work, we won't disturb you anymore." Lu Jiang said.

He Hongjun nodded and was about to leave when he suddenly asked: "Who are you looking for? Tell me your name and address. Maybe I can help you. Aren't you going to the capital soon?"

Feng Qingxue hurriedly said: "Yes, why did I forget you, Comrade He? By coincidence, the person we are looking for has the same surname as you, He Qingyin, and she is an old woman. She must not be of good quality, so we don't Dare to search openly. Comrade He, I wonder if you can help us find her."

"He Qingyin?"

"Yes, He Qingyin is very famous in the painting world."

He Hongjun showed a big smile and said, "If you look for me, you are looking for the right person. This is what I want to say is more coincidental."

"What? Do you know him?" Feng Qingxue was very surprised.

"My great aunt!" The corners of He Hongjun's mouth turned up, and although his voice did not rise, his tone was very pleasant, "Comrade Qingxue, you won't forget, right? I told you before that I came to Shanghai to join my great aunt. "

Feng Qingxue opened her eyes wide, "He Qingyin is your aunt?"

He Hongjun nodded and said with a smile: "Otherwise, how can we say that there is no coincidence? As for Master He Qingyin, who is famous in the painting world, there is no other person in the world except my aunt!"

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