Feng Qingxue was first happy that she had found He Qingyin, but then became worried because of her composition, "Comrade He Hongjun, how is Master He Qingyin doing now?"

Wen Ruyu and others suffered such bad luck in the capital. Can He Qingyin avoid it in Shanghai?

He Hongjun sighed and whispered: "Who can be immune to this situation? I am better informed. Before the accident, I took my aunt and donated all the paintings and calligraphy in the house to the cultural relics department. Oh, all of them They were all among the cultural relics that disappeared this time. I don’t know which immortal family was responsible for it. Then, the house was handed over to the state on my own initiative. I also begged several leaders in private on the grounds that my aunt was seriously ill. , the net was finally opened, and now the old man lives in the house assigned to me by the work unit. "

If they weren't still on the roadside, Feng Qingxue would have wanted to put her hands together and say "Amitabha, God bless you."

"Comrade He Hongjun, can we meet her?" Feng Qingxue said, "You can ask her what she means first. If she is willing to see us, you can inform us and we will come to visit her."

He Hongjun was stunned for a moment and said hurriedly: "Okay, I'll ask and I'll get back to you tomorrow."

No matter how good-tempered this aunt was, He Hongjun would not dare to make the decision without authorization.

Feng Qingxue took out a folded piece of paper from her bag and handed it to He Hongjun.

He Hongjun opened it and saw the three characters "Feng Qingxue" written on it. The writing was vigorous and powerful.

"Why did you give your name to my aunt?" He Hongjun was very puzzled.

Feng Qingxue smiled and said: "Comrade He, give this piece of paper to your aunt and ask her if she recognizes the acquaintance on the paper. She will definitely tell you." This was written by Wen Ruyu himself.

In order to win He Qingyin's trust, Feng Qingxue specially asked for Wen Ruyu's calligraphy treasure.

Afraid that writing anything else might arouse suspicion, Wen Ruyu simply wrote Feng Qingxue's name on the paper, making it foolproof.

He Hongjun folded the paper and put it in his pocket.

He once mentioned his savior to He Qingyin, but He Qingyin did not show that he knew Feng Qingxue.

Therefore, He Hongjun was dubious about Feng Qingxue's words.

Because so many things have happened recently, He Qingyin is full of distrust of the outside world and is afraid that she will cause unsolvable trouble to her grandnephew. Unless necessary, the old man usually stays at home.

At noon, when he was about to eat leftover rice dumplings from the morning to satisfy his hunger, the old man saw He Hongjun coming in from outside.

"Red Army, you have been eating in the cafeteria at noon, why are you back today?" He Qingyin has beautiful features and a kind face.

Although living in fear, He Qingyin's mentality is still very peaceful.

The appearance comes from the heart, the mind is peaceful, and the appearance is natural and kind.

"A strange thing happened in the cultural relics department today. Everyone is not in the mood to go to work. I went to investigate everywhere, and I will come back." He Hongjun put the lunch box he brought on the table, and when he opened it, he heard the beef curry The aroma of the soup said, "Auntie, please eat first. Didn't I tell you before that my savior has arrived in Shanghai? The couple wants to visit you."

He Qingyin drank her favorite beef soup and refused without thinking, "No, no, my old bones are not good. Don't bring bad luck to others."

He Hongjun paused as he took out the piece of paper, "Who said you were unlucky? People who want to see you won't dislike you so much."

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