Feng Qingxue took out her hand and patted the back of his thin hand, "Let's go, let's go, let's go quickly, this is not a place to stay for a long time. Children, please go home and don't go out to take risks unless necessary."

Xing Yushan still wanted to say something, but Feng Qingxue and Lu Jiang had already walked away.

"Thank you, thank you..." Xing Yushan had tears in his eyes and murmured for a long time before running away.

Their brothers were born with a pair of extremely irresponsible parents. They could see that others were in trouble and needed help, and often gave generously to others, but they could not see that their own children had lived in hunger since childhood.

This time, it was also because they lent their wages to a couple who needed to get married, just because the other party wanted to buy a pair of large wardrobes and was short of tens of dollars, and they stole the recent few items from them at the instigation of someone from their hometown. The food stamps had been kept in his brother's hands for years, and his brother handed them over to him, so when his eldest brother was working as an apprentice in the steel mill, Xing Yushan had to try his luck on the black market.

Fortunately, on the third day he came to the black market, he was lucky enough to meet a good person who was willing to help him.

With the comparison of parents, the kindness and generosity of strangers are even more highlighted.

Xing Yushan remembered Lu Xibao deeply, kept it in his heart, and vowed to repay him and his family when he grew up.

Feng Qingxue didn't say her name, Xing Yushan could only carve the names of Lu Zhiyuan and Lu Tianmao in his mind.

If you remember Lu Zhiyuan and Lu Tianmao, you can find today's benefactor.

The meat buns made that winter were the most delicious things he had ever eaten in his life, and he would never forget them.

Lu Jiang didn't know the other party's situation, so he asked Feng Qingxue in a low voice. But Feng Qingxue couldn't say that she knew the future fate of brother Xing Minshan and the reason for his current hunger, right? He said vaguely: "This matter is a long story."

"You can keep the story short." Lu Jiang said simply.

Feng Qingxue smiled and said, "That year in the capital, my father took Xibao out to buy cakes or steamed buns. I can't remember exactly. When he came back, he said that on the way he met his three brothers picking up discarded roasted sweet potato skins in the ice and snow. Xibao gave them steamed buns and rotten cabbage leaves. Later, his father gave them twenty yuan and ten pounds of food stamps. The eldest among them was named Xing Minshan."

Lu Jiang was particularly proud, "Our Xibao has completely inherited our family tradition!"

Feng Qingxue glanced at him sideways, "Look at what you're so proud of. That's Xibao, not you."

"Like father, like son, and what's the saying? A tiger father has no dog son. Only a father like me can have such a happy baby!"

Although no one heard the conversation they had just had with Xing Yushan, Xing Yushan took the items and left the black market. He looked like he was crying with gratitude, but everyone could see him. In a moment, someone walked up to them.

"Comrade, do you want to collect something? As long as you have food." His voice was very low and his attitude was very careful.

Lu Jiang said in a deep voice: "What do you have?"

The other party smiled and said, "Don't worry, they are all good things."

While others were ransacking the house, he sneaked in and stole it. Unfortunately, he was born at the wrong time. Things that looked so good are almost worthless now. It all depends on whether he can meet someone who likes them.

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue looked at each other and decided to take a look at the things before deciding whether to trade.

So they changed the location, and it was indeed good stuff, and there was a lot of it, including jewelry, calligraphy and paintings.

It is worth nothing now, but will be worth hundreds of millions in the future.

The other party only wants food, and it must be fine food before they are willing to trade.

"Deal!" They came here for the cultural relics and would not be reluctant to part with this little food.

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