After the transaction was completed, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue immediately changed their clothes and location.

I used a backpack before, but this time I replaced it with a duffel bag.

However, their luck was not good. As soon as they entered the black market, Feng Qingxue and an old woman had just concluded a deal. Lu Jiang, who was on the lookout, rushed over and said, "Run, someone is coming!"

I believe that everyone who frequents the black market knows exactly who the person in the words refers to, and they immediately fled in all directions.

The old woman couldn't run fast, so Lu Jiang simply carried her on his back and left the black market in another direction with Feng Qingxue.

The staff entered from the south, and they ran from the north, leaving no trace of each other's back.

The old woman was old and weighed no more than seventy or eighty pounds. When Lu Jiang was training in the army, it had become a habit to carry heavy weights. Feng Qingxue often participated in training, and her foot speed was not slow. Within a few minutes, she ran to a safe place and stopped. Come down.

Feng Qingxue was holding her luggage bag in one hand and holding on to the wall with the other, breathing heavily with a blush on her cheeks.

Lu Jiang acted as if nothing was wrong and gently put the old woman down, "I'm sorry, comrade, I didn't push you, did I?"

"It's okay, it's okay. Thank you, comrade. If you hadn't reacted quickly, my old arms and legs would have been caught by the staff!" The old woman was not ungrateful. "Two comrades, our deal is still good. Can it be carried out? I don’t worry about leaving the things at home. I can just exchange them for some money and food.”

Feng Qingxue hurriedly said: "It counts, of course it counts!"

"Then you come with me. The wind is so tight that you don't dare to take things out." The old woman said, leading the way. Since they were in a relatively remote alley, the old woman spoke more casually, "We, Living in the midst of turmoil and chaos, I wanted to follow my neighbor Lao Su's example and tear up all these things, turn them into pulp, and pour them into the river. But I couldn't bear to do it myself, so I had to do this. In the hands of capable people, I might be able to save my life. Two pieces are preserved in the world."

Her voice was very low, but Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue could still hear her clearly.

Feng Qingxue said to Lu Jiang: "It's all calligraphy and painting. The old woman said that her husband dug a hole in the corner of the wall and hid in the hole, so he survived. However, her husband's whereabouts were unknown after he was taken away, and people came to check every day. She can't live in peace for a day. She is afraid that she will be convicted if the paintings and calligraphy are discovered, and the calligraphy and paintings will not be saved, so she did what she did today. "

"If you want these, I know that you are capable and have ideas. Most people don't dare to touch these things. The calligraphy and paintings in my hands are all top quality. Keep them well. Maybe one day you can use them. See the light of day." The old woman's eyes were filled with tears. "As long as these things are here and can be passed down, I will be happy no matter who is in their hands."

Feng Qingxue's attitude was very respectful, "I haven't asked you your name yet!"

The academic world is only so big, and most of the celebrities are acquaintances of Wen Ruyu, Jin Ruochu and others. The old lady has nothing else but paintings and calligraphy, so she is definitely related to the painting world.

The old woman glanced at her and smiled softly, "Old woman, my name is Ouyang Lan."

Hearing the words Ouyang Lan, Feng Qingxue thought of her senior brother Ouyang Mo. She met He Qingyin in Shanghai. He Qingyin only asked her teacher Wen Ruyu and did not mention Ouyang Mo who was in Shanghai with her at all. She also forgot to ask her. .

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