Jiang Xiaoyue sat on the sofa opposite him, holding her chin and watching her father eating happily.

"Dad, is it delicious?" she asked.

Jiang Yun nodded, "It's delicious. The one my old son brought back is certainly delicious."

Although he is a senior general, supplies are currently tight. Even he only eats meat once or twice a week. As a cadre, he must take the lead before himself. Therefore, this hard-earned roast mutton is simply delicious. .

"Not to mention roasted lamb, even a vegetable leaf you brought back would be delicious." Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun said this.

Jiang Xiaoyue hummed and rolled her eyes.

That's fine, as long as her father loves her.

After a long time, seeing that her father was halfway through eating, Jiang Xiaoyue finally remembered how to answer her father's question and cleared her throat, "Dad, when are you going to have a rest? Can you be home next weekend?" ? Someone wants to come and see you."

"Who is it?" Jiang Yun said casually.

People often come to visit him at home, and he is used to it.

When a person is in a high position, he cannot help himself.

"Well..." Jiang Xiaoyue paused, and while her eyes wandered around guiltily, she said in a low voice: "I found a son-in-law for you, and his parents want to meet and talk to you, and talk about the two of us. things.”


Jiang Yun squirted out a mouthful of wine. Fortunately, he turned his head in time and didn't spray it on the table.

While coughing, he asked: "A hairy son-in-law? Old son, when did you find a son-in-law for me? Elders meet. I just knew you were looking for a son-in-law, and you told me that the two elders need to meet?" Tai Can’t wait?

Jiang Xiaoyue said with a straight face, "I'm almost twenty years old, what's wrong with finding a love partner? It's not illegal!"

"No! No! Of course it's not illegal for you to find a partner. I mean, who is this son-in-law of mine?" Was it the pig that came out of the mud nest that humped his juicy cabbage?

Jiang Yun was sharpening his sword in his heart. He had never heard of his daughter reporting her love to the army.

Jiang Xiaoyue cleared her throat again, "You have praised someone you know, and you said that you don't know which family's daughter will be lucky enough to marry him in the future. Now you know, it's your daughter's third life." Lucky to be born.”

"Who is it?" Jiang Yun squeezed out these words through his teeth.

The young man he praised? There were not even a thousand but hundreds of young people he had praised. He didn't know who his daughter was referring to.

Jiang Xiaoyue said simply and neatly: "Lu Tianjun!"

"Lu Tianjun?" Jiang Yun followed the parrot and his eyes nearly popped out.

"Yes, that's him!" Jiang Xiaoyue held her face in her hands with a sweet look on her face, "The Army Commander and Aunt Xue happened to come to the capital for business, and today we are eating hotpot and roasted mutton with them. Me and After Lu Tianjun confirmed his revolutionary feelings, the Army Commander and Aunt Xue said that it was only proper etiquette to come and pay homage to you and meet your elder brother and sister-in-law. "

Jiang Yun slapped the chopsticks in his hand on the table, "This brat!"

I usually take good care of him and admire him very much, but he quietly abducted the apple of his eye. Looking at his daughter, I am afraid that she has already secretly promised her to her!

"Dad, why are you scolding him? He didn't offend you." Jiang Xiaoyue said dissatisfied.

"Did you offend me by robbing my daughter?" Jiang Yun snorted again and again, "Did you offend me by secretly reporting the marriage? See how I settle the score with him!"

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