Jiang Xiaoyue said angrily: "Dad, if you keep doing this, I will ignore you! I really will ignore you!"

Jiang Yun's old face suddenly fell down, and his brows furrowed tightly.

"Old son! Jiang Xiaoyue!" he shouted, "I am your father, and you are angry with me because of an outsider?"

That's it if you're not married. If you're married, will this old son still have his own place in his heart? Intolerable.

Jiang Xiaoyue came to her father's side, hugged one of his arms, and swayed, coquettishly, "Who said he was an outsider? Isn't this just waiting for your approval to turn outsiders into insiders? Dad, I just like it. Lu Tianjun, there will be no one else, not before, and never in the future. How can you like the best girl you meet?"

"Is it really that good?" Jiang Yun didn't believe it.

Although Lu Tianjun is indeed both civil and military and has first-class abilities, he is not unique, right?

Jiang Yun regretted very much, regretting that he did not let his daughter learn more about young talents, otherwise Lu Tianjun would not be able to succeed so easily.

"Of course!" Jiang Xiaoyue pressed her head on her father's shoulder, "Dad, I feel happy when I see him. I am happy from the bottom of my heart. It seems that this is the relationship that he and I should have."

Xiaozui told Jiang Yun what he had said in front of Feng Qingxue, and every word was filled with admiration.

Jiang Yun almost burst into tears, "Daughter, you are my son." How could he lose his heart so easily.

"I didn't say no, dad, you are my dad, who of you doesn't know this fact?"

"But you kept protecting Lu Tianjun!" Jiang Yun accused.

Jiang Xiaoyue said helplessly: "He is my revolutionary comrade. Of course I can't let you accuse him. Besides, he has done nothing wrong. If he is sorry for me in the future, I welcome you to teach him a lesson for me!"

Relying on me is so righteous.

When Jiang Yun heard this, he touched her hair and sighed deeply, "Young women can't stay in college!"

"Dad, what do you mean?"

"Let's set the concubine, and ask Lu Jiang and Qingxue to come to our house in the evening." Jiang Yundao said, since his daughter likes Lu Tianjun so much, then as a father, he can't be cowardly and meet whenever he sees him. Who is afraid of whom? He is my father-in-law, hum!

Jiang Xiaoyue was stunned, "The day after tomorrow? There will be no rest the day after tomorrow."

"So I said come in the evening! Today and tomorrow, you and your eldest brother and sister-in-law will come back in the evening to clean up the house and prepare the menu for the day after tomorrow. I will try to make something delicious. Wherever they live, I will ask someone to drive me We took a car to pick them up, and after dinner, we invited them to stay with us for one night. "Jiang Yun was very considerate, and the house has three bedrooms and one living room, which is completely suitable for them.

Jiang Xiaoyue nodded heavily, "Okay, I'll inform them."

"You don't need to go, you have to return to the team tomorrow. Tell me the addresses of Lu and Jiang, and I'll just ask whoever brings a message when he goes to the city." Jiang Yun said this, "Yes, we have to remind them. I brought Xibao with me. I haven’t seen Xibao for two or three years, so I’m so scared.”

Jiang Xiaoyue had to break his fantasy, "Xibao didn't come, and Fubao didn't come either."

She was also very sorry that she could not see her two little babies.

Xibao is so cute. If Xibao is here, maybe her father will be able to accept Lu Tianjun immediately.

Jiang Yun heard this and muttered, "Xibao didn't come, what's the point?"

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