Whether we pay attention to it or not, we all focus on this aspect.

Regardless of whether the gift is expensive or not, families that value the woman will do their best to prepare a tea ceremony. Like the Lu family now, they directly prepare a full set of gifts without any excuse. On the contrary, families that are rich but do not value the woman will use the current rules to say There is no need to prepare many gifts. Those who have no money can feel confident and say that they can't afford them, etc.

Living in a military compound, the Jiang family has seen all kinds of things, and there are many families who broke up because of this.

Therefore, most of the suffocation in Jiang Yun's heart dissipated instantly.

Looking at Lu Tianjun in military uniform, he is handsome and upright, tough and elegant at the same time. There is really no second disciple who is as good as him in the courtyard, and the sullen feeling disappeared a little.

"Is it because you are interested in my daughter because I am one of the military commanders of the military region?" Jiang Yun suddenly said.

These words made Jiang Xiaoyue immediately sweat for her revolutionary comrades. When she looked at Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue, she saw this perfect couple in Jiang Xiaoyue's eyes smiling without any worries.

Jiang Zhou and Mei Ruolan were shocked and looked at Lu Tianjun with bright eyes, waiting for his answer.

If the answer is not satisfactory, hum!

The couple, who are already in their forties, have exactly the same idea as Jiang Yun.

Lu Tianjun asked instead, "Are you always so unsure of your daughter?"

"Ah?" Jiang Yun is just a rough guy. He didn't understand anything after joining the army. He didn't understand what Lu Tianjun meant and was confused. What does his question have to do with whether he has confidence in his daughter?

Lu Tianjun smiled and said respectfully: "You must have no confidence in Xiaoyue to think that your position is more coveted. It doesn't matter, I will let you know in the future that Xiaoyue herself is a hundred more important than your position. Times, a thousand times, you wouldn’t underestimate Xiaoyue’s excellence so much.”

Jiang Yun finally came to his senses. He glared at him and didn't know what to say. He stopped talking to him and said to Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue: "How did your family raise children? All of them are like others. Like fine."

Xibao is like this, he has a sweet mouth, and this guy is like this too.

Lu Jiang smiled and said: "It's the same as everyone else, there is no difference. Otherwise, how would you raise an outstanding daughter like Xiaoyue?"

Because Jiang Xiaoyue and Lu Tianjun had established their relationship as revolutionary comrades, as the elder, he omitted the emblem of comradeship.

Jiang Yun laughed heartily. He likes people to praise him for raising a very good daughter. "Thank you, thank you. My girl has a rough personality. She doesn't study seriously and has no talent for literary and artistic performances. Now she is studying medicine and she will be like this in the future." Just let you worry."

"Dad, look how bad you degrade me, am I that bad?" Jiang Xiaoyue stamped her feet. Fortunately, it was Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue who came.

Jiang Yun glanced at her, "Don't you know what you are capable of? We have to tell the truth when we meet our in-laws. If your father brags about himself and praises you to the sky, you will not be so good in the future, and others will not settle accounts with me. ?”

"No, no!" Lu Tianjun interrupted, "Xiaoyue is very good, very good."

He likes Jiang Xiaoyue like this, not the person who others say is excellent in all aspects.

Others are gods, so what does that have to do with him?

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