Apart from Jiang Xiaoyue, there is currently only one lesbian in the Jiang family, Mei Ruolan, who serves tea and pours water with a warm attitude.

Reciprocity should be reciprocated and the other party should be courteous, so they can't neglect it, can they?

Feng Qingxue hurriedly stood up and took the enamel jar with both hands, "Comrade Ruolan, sit down and rest, stop working. The children of the two families have become revolutionary comrades, and we are no longer outsiders."

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm not busy with anything. I'm just pouring some boiling water. You guys chat first while I go cook."

In order to entertain his in-laws, the guards had already been sent back to the guard camp to rest by Jiang Yun.

Feng Qingxue immediately put the enamel jar on the coffee table, "I'll help you, I'm pretty good at it."

"And me, and me!" Jiang Xiaoyue instantly ran between the two of them, one on each side, holding their arms, "I'm also very good at my craftsmanship, Aunt Xue, look at me showing off my skills!"

Mei Ruolan suddenly swallowed her words that she would not let the guests cook.

She carefully observed the faces of everyone in the Lu family, and there was no dissatisfaction with Xiaoyue's words and deeds.

The Lu family values ​​the Jiang family, so why don’t the Jiang family value the Lu family?

Therefore, the dishes prepared by the Jiang family were very rich, and it took a lot of effort to get the vegetables and meat in front of them. Mei Ruolan planned to make a braised pork, a boiled shrimp, a braised tofu, a scrambled egg, and a cold pig ear. Make a vegetable soup.

The above stipulates that a maximum of four dishes and one soup are allowed, and they are violating the rules today.

Feng Qingxue and Lu Jiang knew that life was not easy for every household, so they brought their own food rations and exchanged the food for ten steamed buns and ten hanging stove biscuits. They also packed a lunch box of braised pork from a state-owned restaurant and queued up early to buy a roast duck. , put the slices in a lunch box and brought them together. Knowing that Jiang Yun likes peanuts, he specially brought spiced peanuts in cans and bottles.

"You are so polite, spending so much money." Jiang Yun couldn't help but said when he saw the extra food on the table.

Lu Jiang smiled and said: "If you eat it in everyone's stomach, it won't be a waste."

People regard food as their first priority, and eating is the most important thing.

Lu Tianjun did not take the seat first, but opened a bottle of Maotai, poured wine and handed chopsticks to the elders. His attitude was so attentive that Jiang Yun and his son felt comfortable. They felt that this child was really good and knew etiquette. Xiaoyue had really found a treasure.

The Jiang family doesn't care about family status but only looks at people, and Jiang Xiaoyue is not outstanding. If they find a partner like Lu Tianjuan, they will laugh even in their dreams.

"Please, please, you're welcome, family!" Jiang Yun raised his wine glass to greet Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue, who offered tea instead of wine.

There is no rule in the Jiang family that they should eat and sleep without speaking, so Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue naturally followed the guests as they pleased.

When he learned that Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue had been on leave for three full months, Jiang Yun frowned, thought for a while, and suddenly understood, "Is it your new army commander He Qianqian who caused the trouble? This old boy, hey, with The same bad behavior as before! It's okay, don't worry, he has some abilities, but it's hard to convince the public, no matter how hard he works, the people below won't convince him."

"We don't worry, just do our job well." Lu Jiang replied, making no comment on He Xiang Xiang's character. Even before Jiang Yun spoke, the couple did not mention He Xiang Xiang.

Jiang Yun nodded, and just as he was about to say something, there was a heavy knock on the door outside.

"Xiaoyue, open the door!" Jiang Yun said casually.

The meeting between the two families was peaceful. Jiang Xiaoyue was so happy that she stood up and jumped to open the door. The other party yelled loudly, "Jiang Xiaoyue, you can do it. You are really good. Do you still have our Li family in your eyes?" What do you think of our Li Jun? Have you forgotten your marriage to Li Jun?"

. . . When I got up, I realized that two chapters were missing. Before I went to bed, I always felt that something was unfinished. It turned out that I didn't put these two chapters in because I was disturbed by others. It's tenth update. It's tenth update. Please vote. It's the end of the month. I won't vote for monthly votes. When?

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