Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 985 Become a famous teacher again 4

Guo Ming listened very carefully and kept nodding his head while listening, approving of Feng Qingxue's learning attitude.

"I finally understand how you got on this path. Yes, yes, to study medicine is to have a kind heart. If you don't have a heart, you can't learn. It turns out that you were the lesbian who figured out first aid. I heard Ah Cheng mentioned it." Guo Ming put a stack of test papers in front of her, "You can take this back and take it to your aunt's house. We are close, so let her bring it to me."

"Don't worry, I will answer the questions seriously." Feng Qingxue took it with both hands.

Guo Ming nodded. He believed that Feng Qingxue would not cheat, so he didn't bother to tell him. He continued: "Before answering the question, you first take the pulse of everyone present, and then check everyone's physical condition." Tell me in detail."

Feng Qingxue listened and did it without hesitation.

Lu Jiang held the exam papers for him, feeling very distressed that she was still working so hard despite her unstable fetal condition.

Although not physically tiring, it must be mentally taxing.

I looked, heard, and asked, but nothing happened.

When Feng Qingxue checked Wang Xinsheng's pulse, she carefully discovered that he had many old injuries. Because they were well treated, they had no impact on his body. Also, because of his high position and authority, he had a better diet than ordinary people, so his physical condition was really good. , currently I have some spleen and stomach imbalance and insufficient liver qi. "Uncle, please drink less alcohol in the future. Smoking damages the lungs and drinking alcohol damages the liver. Also, don't eat cold things. Have you been greedy for cold things recently? Have you eaten something that is not suitable for the spleen and stomach? s things?"

"No, no!" Wang Xinsheng denied it.

Wang Zhonghua raised his hand, "Grandpa lied. Grandpa ate a piece of ice cream yesterday. He ate it secretly! I don't know if he ate it before."

Grandpa won't give him food, so he must bravely expose his grandfather's lies.

Wang Xinsheng was so angry that he said: "Huahua, you are a traitor even in the war! Didn't we agree that when the weather is hot when you are on vacation, I will also buy you ice cream?"

"But I didn't agree!" Wang Zhonghua also had a reason.

Guo Ming was too lazy to listen to the argument between their grandfather and grandson. He stretched out his hand to feel Wang Xinsheng's pulse and expressed his approval of Feng Qingxue's diagnosis. "Yes, yes, you have already mastered the essence of traditional Chinese medicine. You have worked hard over the years."

Next came Guo Yan, Lu Jiang and Wang Zhonghua. Feng Qingxue took a pulse one by one, and then told Guo Ming her thoughts.

Guo Ming would also check the pulses of these people behind her to confirm her diagnosis. Although Feng Qingxue still had some shortcomings, it was really good for her age and the time she spent studying medicine.

Good talent and willing to work hard.

In this situation of breaking away from old customs and ideas, it is rare for someone to be willing to learn Chinese medicine despite the difficulties.

Yes, if Guo Ming hadn't been responsible for the health of the leaders of the hospital, if he hadn't combined Chinese and Western medicine and performed several very important surgeries and become famous all over the world, so much so that many people forgot that he was actually a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, he would have long become a famous doctor. One of the defeated ones.

Traditional Chinese medicine is also an old culture and is in the process of being destroyed. Many medical books he collected have been burned.

If things continue like this, the field of traditional Chinese medicine is bound to see a decline in talent.

Western medicine is better than Chinese medicine in many ways and is worth learning from Chinese medicine. However, Chinese medicine is no worse than Western medicine. Wouldn’t it be better for everyone to learn from each other’s strengths? Why do we have to beat Chinese medicine practitioners to death with a stick?

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