Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 986 Pay homage to a famous teacher again 5

Feng Qingxue didn't know what Guo Ming was thinking. After returning to the guest house, she worked on the questions seriously, and once again had a deep understanding of Guo Ming's power. The questions were from simple to deep, all-inclusive, and even related to astronomical geography theory. Just now The answers go smoothly at first, but become more difficult as you go on. Each answer requires a lot of brain cells, and your answer may not be correct.

Lu Jiang's main task was to take care of Feng Qingxue and urge her to eat, rest and drink medicine. He went to the guest house cafeteria to cook the medicine.

Guo Ming gave the prescription, including detailed instructions on how to fry it and how to control the heat.

Feng Qingxue saw this prescription and admired Guo Ming so much.

Although she would also prescribe a few of the medicines on the prescription when encountering an unstable fetus, the dosage was slightly different from Guo Ming's. Just this difference would make a huge difference in the effect.

The dosage prescribed by Guo Ming is more subtle.

He had to answer questions and raise a baby, so naturally he couldn't return home within ten days.

Lu Jiang sent a telegram to his family in his free time. The plan had changed and he had to tell his family so that they would not worry at home. Moreover, he had to explain to his two children.

At the same time, Lu Jiang asked his wife for some supplies.

Feng Qingxue stopped writing and pinched the bridge of her nose, "What do you need supplies for?"

"I learned from my uncle that Commander Ye and Sister-in-law Guo are currently in isolation and review. Both of them are not in good condition and have been tortured mentally and physically. Commander Ye has a stubborn temper and refuses to give the old man any treatment for no reason. The boss was charged with unfounded charges and has been dismissed from his post. He will be sent to the northwest to participate in labor reform in two days. As for Sister-in-law Guo, she has not decided yet. The uncle wants to find someone to help secretly and try to get Sister-in-law Guo to return to her hometown. "

Feng Qingxue patted her forehead, "Look at my pig brain, how could I have forgotten these two! If we care about cultural relics, what's the use of cultural relics no matter how valuable they are? They can't compare to living people."

Lu Jiang smiled slightly, "I'll just remember it. You can raise your baby with peace of mind."

He had asked Jiang Yun before at the Jiang family, but Jiang Yun had been working in the military region and didn't know much about things here, so he asked Wang Xinsheng later.

"What supplies do you need to prepare? Just ask."

Lu Jiang thought for a moment, "Anyone who is devolved, unless their situation is particularly bad, like Commander Ye's old boss, is generally not allowed to bring any luggage. But Commander Ye, who is implicated like this, is different. He can go home. Take your luggage and bring it over. Commander Ye has been in the army for so many years and has no place to live here, so how can he have any luggage? So I thought, first prepare clothes and shoes for Commander Ye that can withstand inspection, and then prepare some money, food stamps, and bedding. We have to wait until we get home and send it to him."

They are currently traveling far away. Who wouldn't be suspicious if they suddenly take out large and small bags of things? So one has to be careful.

Feng Qingxue took out two pairs of handmade mille-layer cloth shoes according to Commander Ye's size. They were bought in the market. They were not machine shoes and had no marks. Then she took out two pairs of clothes. They were originally made for Lu Jiang. It is available for outdoor use. You can wear it in spring, summer and autumn. Wear a sweatshirt in summer. Just add a jacket in spring and autumn. The material is military green polyester khaki.

"When I send the quilt, I will send cotton clothes and shoes to Commander Ye." Feng Qingxue said.

The two of them only left ten kilograms of food stamps. The other food stamps and one hundred yuan were sewn on the inside of a coat by Feng Qingxue. "You tell Commander Ye to use it first, and we will send it to him later. Don't Treat yourself badly.”

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