Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 987 Pay homage to the famous teacher again 6

Cui Shaoyuan has a say in this regard.

Therefore, Feng Qingxue told Lu Jiang to find Cui Shaoyuan. Among the people they knew, only Cui Shaoyuan had the ability and face to hand over the things they prepared to Commander Ye.

Before Cui Shaoyuan left their troops, he left his address to Feng Qingxue and his wife to thank them for saving his father.

Only when you need it will you find its preciousness.

Feng Qingxue often feels fortunate that she and her family helped some people in times of need. She and her family can have what they have today because of their secret help, which gave her the opportunity to learn.

"Don't go to ask for help with nothing." Feng Qingxue waved her hand on the table, and a box containing Angong Niuhuang Pills appeared.

She put the wax-sealed bezoar pill into a glass bottle and handed it to Lu Jiang, "Just say that it has been a long time since Comrade Cui fell ill. I don't know how Comrade Cui is doing now. It just so happens that we have a few bezoar pills by chance, so I took the opportunity to send one to him while I was in the capital, in case of future emergency."

Lu Jiang held the glass bottle in his hand, "Thank you, wife."

What else can a husband ask for with a wife like this?

"Go quickly, don't delay. Didn't you say that Commander Ye will be sent to the northwest soon?"

"When I'm away, you should take care of your rest. I will come back on time to boil medicine for you..."

Feng Qingxue interrupted him, "Don't I understand the importance of health? Don't talk too much, go quickly, we have a lot of things to do."

She didn't finish answering the questions, and she didn't know if she would have the opportunity to receive guidance from Guo Ming. She didn't know how Lu Tianjun and Jiang Xiaoyue were doing. Wang Xin lived in fear. They had to worry about everything.

Lu Jiang watched her finish the morning medicine and went out quickly.

Taking the bus, they soon arrived at Cui Shaoyuan's office. After reporting their background, Cui Shaoyuan came out to greet them.

"Comrade Lu, you are a rare guest! Please come in."

Cui Shaoyuan took him directly to his office and poured him water before Lu Jiang could speak. "When did Comrade Lu come to the capital? If I had known you were in the capital, I should have come to thank you in person."

"Go to thank you in person? What are you thanking me for?" Haven't I already thanked him for saving my father?

Cui Shaoyuan put the enamel pot on the table next to him, held Lu Jiang's hands with both hands, and said solemnly: "Thank you for saving my life! Two lives! The Niuhuang Pill that Comrade Qingxue left for my father saved my little son who suddenly suffered from meningitis! First, I saved my father, and then I saved my son. I really can't repay you!"

Lu Jiang never expected such a thing to happen. He hurriedly took out the glass bottle containing Angong Niuhuang Pills and repeated what Feng Qingxue told him before leaving, "If I had known this, I would have asked Qingxue to prepare one more."

Cui Shaoyuan was overjoyed, "Comrade Lu, this is really..."

He was so grateful that he couldn't speak.

Bezoar is rare, and Angong Niuhuang Pills are naturally rare. With his ability, he couldn't find it in the capital, which shows how precious it is. It is expected that even if there is one, it has been taken away by others. The hometown is far away from the capital, and the child is sick in the hometown. Even if he finds Angong Niuhuang Pills in the capital, it is impossible to send it to him immediately.

Cui Hongbin's treasured Angong Niuhuang Pills came in handy, so he immediately sent him a telegram, asking him to thank Feng Qingxue properly.

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