Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 991 Making good connections 2

Feng Qingxue kept it in mind, "We are not too far from Jinling. If time permits, A Jiang and I will go take a look."

"Yeah, that's fine." Mrs. Guo Li didn't stop her, lowering her voice and said: "The world in front of us is really confusing. We who study Chinese medicine are neither good nor bad, so we are embarrassed."

"How do you say this?" Feng Qingxue didn't quite understand.

Guo Li thought for a while, "Let's put it this way, the old leader admired traditional Chinese medicine, but opposed the theory of yin and yang, so the theory of yin and yang was eliminated from the art of traditional Chinese medicine. The medical books your master burned were all full of these theories. I was afraid of getting into trouble. When the People's Republic of China was first founded, the Ministry of Health once abolished traditional Chinese medicine, and many doctors were faced with unemployment. Later, the old leaders promoted traditional Chinese medicine, and it continued to develop until now. What is the situation outside where traditional Chinese medicine is learning Western medicine, and Western medicine is studying? Chinese medicine is in such chaos, right? It also belittles the scientific nature of Western medicine. We cannot belittle Western medicine just because we study Chinese medicine. Both Chinese and Western medicine have their own strengths and weaknesses. But now, Western medicine is the reactionary authority of the bourgeoisie. Most of the doctors are Western medicine doctors. Don't look at Xiao Liu coming to see your master. Just wait and your master will be back in a moment! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Guo Ming came back dejectedly.

"How is it? Am I right?" Guo Li was not polite at all.

Guo Ming didn't know why, "Old woman, what did you say about me?"

"I said you have no self-awareness. Just go when Xiao Liu calls you. Why don't you think about the doctors around the old leader? Do you need them?" Guo Li ignored him and was about to continue talking to Feng Qingxue. When he went down, he saw that she had already stood up to take Guo Ming's medicine box, put it on the table, poured water for Guo Ming, and thoughtfully tested the water temperature before giving it to him.

Guo Ming was not young anymore. He was sweating from all the running. He was so thirsty that he took the enamel jar. The water was at just the right temperature. After calming down his breath, he took a few sips.

"Girls are still considerate." Guo Ming praised him greatly.

Mrs. Guo Li was also very happy when she saw it.

No one dislikes such a considerate child.

Guo Ming calmed down and asked, "What are you ladies talking about?"

Guo Yan pursed her lips and smiled, "Sister-in-law is exaggerating about you, brother. Do you think we are saying bad things about you? How is that possible? In front of your new apprentice, sister-in-law will not fail to give you face. How is the old leader? ? "Why are you back?"

"The old leader is very good. There are other doctors diagnosing his old man and prescribing medicine. I am back without any need for me. What's there to ask?" Guo Ming has long been accustomed to this kind of lifestyle. As far as the current situation is concerned, the only person who can guarantee the safety of the family is Amitabha. He asks for nothing else.

Even though he spoke vaguely, the ladies understood what he meant. The medicine he prescribed should be Western medicine, which would have quick effects.

What a contradictory world, Feng Qingxue thought.

In this case, is learning Chinese medicine good or bad? Probably good? Because Western medicine is the target of overthrow, Chinese medicine is not. After all, the development of barefoot doctors originated from traditional Chinese medicine.

But why is Chinese medicine an old culture?

"Master, Master, why is it that medical treatment in the city is always based on Western medicine, supplemented by Chinese medicine, while in the countryside, Chinese medicine is the main method? Herbal medicines are all collected from the mountains, and the state rarely distributes Western medicine to the countryside."

In academia, doctors may be the least affected. Everyone cherishes their lives. Who doesn’t have a headache or fever?

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