Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 992 Making good connections 3

Hearing Feng Qingxue's question, Guo Ming and Guo Li coughed several times at the same time.

"Isn't it convenient to answer? If so, forget it." Feng Qingxue was very considerate. Looking at the awkward expressions of the two people, she vaguely guessed something.

Guo Ming sighed softly and lowered his voice, "What's so hard to understand? The country is so big, how many farmers are there in your mind? To put it bluntly, Western medicine talents are very scarce and investment in Western medicine equipment is huge. Why? What about investing in the vast rural areas? The country simply cannot afford it. And the rural doctors you mentioned are all half-medicine and half-farmer, and there is almost no cost. Except for a very small number of people who come from traditional Chinese medicine families, the other rural doctors cannot be called traditional Chinese medicine at all. "

At this point, Guo Ming frowned, "I have heard recently that some illiterate people in the countryside can treat people with a few needles and a handful of grass after participating in certain medical training. Isn't this a joke? "

Chinese medicine is profound and profound, but Feng Qingxue has been studying it for five or six years and still has some shortcomings?

Feng Qingxue coughed, "At least the doctors in our brigade have better medical skills and more experience than me."

After a pause, she said softly: "There is a shortage of doctors and medicines in the countryside. Serious diseases cannot be cured, and minor illnesses have to be endured. Some descendants of medical families serve as doctors, which is better than none. And most of those who participate in medical training have knowledge from middle school and high school. Young people, maybe understand some medical science. As for the illiteracy you mentioned, it may be because I am ignorant and have not heard of it yet. "

"There is such a situation. Your master didn't lie to you." Guo Yan interjected, "I heard the cadres under your uncle said that this kind of thing happened in their hometown, and such health workers simply regarded human life as child's play. "

Feng Qingxue frowned, "If you do this, you don't take human life seriously."

"Conditions don't allow it!" Guo Ming sighed. "Both Chinese and Western medicine have their own strengths. Learning from each other's strengths is the best strategy. However, the country's economic backwardness makes it difficult to cover everything. We can only work hard little by little. If conditions permit, I really hope that I can start teaching and cultivate a group of outstanding talents for the country. It’s a pity! I don’t need to say anything about the current situation.”

All universities have suspended classes, including medical universities, no matter they are Chinese or Western medicine, there are no exceptions.

Feng Qingxue consoled her: "Master, don't worry, I will study hard."

"This is why I accepted you as my disciple." Guo Ming said without hesitation, "You have talent, and you are willing to calm down and study. The most important thing is that you have broad knowledge and a benevolent heart as a doctor, unlike some people who Dishonest. People who have no benevolence in medicine are simply harming people. Medical skills can save people, but they can also kill people, and they kill people without blood. "

Guo Li whispered from the side: "A classmate of your master once used the principle of mutual regeneration and mutual restraint in traditional Chinese medicine to harm others, causing the other's family to be destroyed. There was only one child left, your third senior brother. He was almost dead when he was saved by your master. It took nearly ten years for him to recover, so your master took it as a warning. He will never teach anyone a single bit of medical skills."

Feng Qingxue suddenly realized, "So it turns out that the third senior brother has experienced something like this?"

No wonder, no wonder Liu Tianxing has devoted his life to traditional Chinese medicine and is the most knowledgeable about the relationship between mutual growth and mutual restraint.

Mrs. Guo Li nodded, "Fortunately, that man is already dead. He has killed countless people. How can he not die? His death is ridiculous. He actually died at the hands of his wife, using the method of overcoming each other's medicinal properties. Your third senior brother has avenged his great revenge. ”

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