Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 993 Making good connections 4

Feng Qingxue did not stay at Guo's house for long. After Lu Jiang came back, the couple said goodbye.

I came with a apprenticeship ceremony and left with a box of notes.

For Feng Qingxue's current situation, these notes are much more important than the medical books she collected, because the difficult and complicated diseases in them all occurred in contemporary times, and there are also Western medical treatments.

As soon as they arrived at the guest house where they were staying, they saw Cui Shaoyuan walking out quickly, followed by a middle-aged man who looked anxious.

The moment he saw Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue, the middle-aged man's eyes shone with surprise.

"Quick, Comrade Qingxue, do you still have Angong Niuhuang Pills in your hand? If so, give me one!" Cui Shaoyuan got straight to the point, stamping his feet as he spoke, "I regret it so much! That one you gave me Qian'er I asked someone to take one home as life-saving medicine for my father and children. Little did I know that Comrade Zhou Xuecheng’s eldest grandson was suffering from meningitis and was in critical condition in the hospital. However, there were no antibiotics to treat this disease. , a doctor asked them to find ways to get Angong Niuhuang Pills, which are the best medicine besides antibiotics. Comrade Zhou Xuecheng went to all the pharmacies and hospitals, but there was none, except that one or two had them occasionally. have also been bought. There are several children suffering from the same disease these days, so there is a shortage. "

What he knew was limited to his colleagues, and there must be things he didn't know below. But all he could do now was to solve the crisis of the child in front of him, but he didn't know how much medicine Feng Qingxue had in hand.

Feng Qingxue said nothing, and said hurriedly: "Yes, there are a few more pills. I'll get them. You guys wait here."

After saying that, she hurried back to the room, took out seven single-packed Bezoar Pills from the space, opened the original packaging, without removing the wax seal of course, put them all into a glass bottle, took them out and handed them to Cui Shaoyuan, "I I only have these seven pills left in my hand. Comrade Cui, please take them all back and give them to any child who needs them. I kept this medicine just for emergencies."

Saving one life was better than building a seven-level pagoda, and seven pills was the limit she could produce.

Any more will arouse others' suspicion.

Although she is rescuing people, she will still take the lead in ensuring the safety of herself and her family.

Cui Shaoyuan poured out two pills and gave them to Zhou Xuecheng. Zhou Xuecheng bowed to Feng Qingxue, "The child is in critical condition and is waiting for medication. I won't say more about my thanks. When the child's condition gets better, I will thank you two comrades again." generous!"

After saying that, he hurriedly got into a red flag car parked at the door without having time to say goodbye to Cui Shaoyuan.

Cui Shaoyuan clenched the glass bottle in his hand and said to Feng Qingxue: "I know there are two more people who have this disease. I have to send the medicine there to save one by one. I will talk to you when I come back from delivering the medicine. Tell me more, don’t be too busy leaving the capital!”

He left without waiting for Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue to respond.

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue looked at each other, and the latter sighed softly, "Those who have conditions can find life-saving medicine, but what about those who don't? Are they not even sent to the hospital?"

She believes that children with this disease do not discriminate between rich and poor.

Lu Jiang held the box in one hand and supported her with the other, "Let's go up first. You are tired after a busy day. Faced with such a thing, all we can do is to do our best and obey fate."

Because of the appearance of Cui Shaoyuan and Zhou Xuecheng, the waiters at the guest house were particularly warm and considerate towards them.

. . . . . Angong Niuhuang Pill is definitely not that amazing, but in the absence of antibiotics, this medicine is indeed a life-saving medicine for stroke, coma, meningitis, etc. It is just a novel, don't laugh at it.

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