Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 995 Making good connections 6

When Feng Qingxue heard this, she said worriedly: "We know this, but there may be things we don't know. Do all hospitals and pharmacies really have no antibiotics and bezoar pills? Is the shortage so bad?"

Cui Shaoyuan whispered: "Some of them should be missing, and some of them definitely can't be completely missing."

After hearing these words, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue frowned, their faces extremely ugly, and they said in unison: "Rescuing people is like putting out fires. In this case, someone is actually hiding something?"

"Alas!" Cui Shaoyuan smiled bitterly, "You think our status is not low, right? When we go to the streets, everyone is in awe, and we can speak in front of the old leaders, but let me tell you, there is not much else in the capital. , there are so many senior cadres, a brick might hit one! Not everyone in our family is so selfless, but others may not have the disease, and the medicine may be used by them, and there is not enough medicine. Nature told us no.”

Dysentery, meningitis, smallpox, etc. are all epidemic diseases that have not been completely eradicated. A large number of people die from these diseases every year.

"Where is the pharmacy? The antibiotics are said to be out, but where are the bezoar pills? The pharmacy has no stock?" Feng Qingxue asked, are all walks of life really paralyzed to this extent? Medicine is life-saving!

Cui Shaoyuan said calmly: "Bezoars are rare, and a clever woman cannot make a meal without rice. I have seen the general formula of Angong Niuhuang Pills, and dispensing them is not cheap. In the past two years, the situation has been chaotic, and all walks of life have become a mess, including factories and pharmaceutical companies. Work has basically stopped. Over there in Ludi, I heard that all the roundworms that could be extracted from Shan Dao Nian to make pagoda sugar were completely cut off! The cultivation was finally resumed, and they were almost mature. They were just ruined. I don’t know the future. When your children need medicine but there is a shortage of medicine on the market, will the people involved regret it? If they hadn’t spoken out this year and suppressed some things like this, the situation would have been even worse now!”

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue felt both angry and sad.

Lu Jiang often went to the battlefield, and he didn't know how many comrades died on the battlefield due to lack of medicine. He didn't know how many of them he had buried with his own hands. He thought the situation was getting better, but the activities in front of him exacerbated the depression in various industries. How could he not feel angry?

"Fortunately, I asked someone to get some mugwort seeds and carefully stored them. I hope they can see the light of day again before the seeds expire."

Artemisia was introduced from abroad, but the other party was extremely harsh and only sent 20 grams of seeds. They tried planting them in several places, but only the one from Lu Di survived. It finally developed to a certain scale, but suffered repeated blows until it was completely extinct in the early 1980s. Pharmaceutical manufacturers rushed to Shandong with a lot of money to buy artemisia, but had to return disappointed.

Artemisia is extinct, but it is extinct in our own country, not all over the world. There are still miraculous plants like Artemisia in foreign countries, but they are not given to our country, not a single grain!

Cui Shaoyuan's eyes lit up and he praised repeatedly, "Okay, okay, okay! Comrade Qingxue, you are indeed a good comrade! I will remember this, and I will pay attention to the news in this regard. If the country vigorously develops the cultivation of artemisia, without In the case of seeds, I will definitely ask the person in charge to ask you, Comrade Qingxue, as you said, we all hope that this happens before the seeds expire. "

"The country is our common country, and we all hope that the country will develop better and better." Feng Qingxue changed the topic, "Comrade Cui, you are often in the capital. Can I ask you something?"

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