Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 996 Making good connections 7

Cui Shaoyuan would naturally not refuse. In the capital, there were few people who were better informed than him.

He was able to get to this point safely because he got the news quickly. He was engaged in intelligence work when he was young.

"I heard that the daughter of old comrade Su Junshu, a girl named Lanfang, was dating a few days ago. I wonder if it's happened?" Feng Qingxue wanted to find out what the Li family had to say about Lu Tianjun and Jiang Xiaoyue. No threat.

Although Jiang Yun said they didn't need to worry, as an uncle and aunt, could they not worry?

However, since they live here, it is difficult to find out the news in the compound. Wang Xinsheng and Guo Yan were busy saying that they did not know about this matter, but they both promised to pay attention to it and would never let Lu Tianjun be exposed. People bully.

Cui Shaoyuan pondered for a while and immediately figured out the connection, "Comrade Jiang Xiaoyue and Comrade Qingxue have a good relationship, and Li Jun, who met Lan Fang, was Xiaoyue's childhood sweetheart. Many people know about the engagement between the two families, although both It was the Li family who said that. The Jiang family never said that. I understand what you meant by asking. I heard that Jiang Xiaoyue reported her love affair before they met. Her revolutionary comrade was called Lu Tianjuan, whose surname was Lu, and he had only been in the army for a year. , I don’t know if it’s related to Comrade Lu Jiang?”

Lu Jiang said sheepishly: "That's my nephew, my nephew."

Feng Qingxue continued: "Tian Juan and Xiao Yue are about the same age, they are in love, and they want to form a revolutionary partner, so they filed a love report. Unexpectedly, the Li family was very angry and felt that the Jiang family did not keep their agreement. In fact, there was no marriage contract between the two families. , this matter was confronted by the elders of the two families. Then I heard that Li Jun from the Li family and Su Lanfang from the Su family had met. I think it was probably because the Li family felt that they were embarrassed. Recently, we have not had time to go to the military compound to inquire about the follow-up. I'm afraid it won't be convenient to pursue the case with the Li family, so I have to ask Comrade Cui about the situation. If Li Jun and Su Lanfang are married, they won't pursue the matter of Xiaoyue and Tian Juan, right? "

Cui Shaoyuan smiled and said, "You don't have to worry at all!"

"Ah? What do you mean?" Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue were a little confused about the source of his confidence.

"Because one of the children you saved today is the grandson of the Li family, and he is also the favorite grandson of Lao Li and Comrade Ye Qing. His name is Li Cong. He is very smart." Cui Shaoyuan finished speaking word by word, "I said I When delivering the medicine, when I explained the source of the medicine, Comrade Ye Qing's face turned green and white. It turns out that Lu Tianjun is your nephew! "

Feng Qingxue opened her mouth in disbelief, "Is it such a coincidence?"

Cui Shaoyuan put his hands on his hands and said with a smile: "It's such a coincidence! Don't say that Li Jun and Su Lanfang are already together, but they are not. With you saving Li Cong's life, the Li family will never do anything to Jiang Xiaoyue and Lu Tianjun because of losing face. . The Lao Li family are not particularly bad people. They are not capable of being ungrateful, so they are quite popular."

The only person who is not very popular is Ye Qing, but it is understandable that lesbians care about things.

Li Cong's condition was better. After the crisis was over, Lao Li dragged the unwilling Ye Qing, brought heavy gifts, and asked someone to drive them to the guest house where Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue were staying temporarily.

When he saw Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue, the reluctance on Ye Qing's face instantly turned into tears of gratitude.

Even the face changing in Sichuan Opera was not as fast as hers, so fast that Feng Qingxue almost thought she was dazzled.

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