Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 997 Making good connections 8

"Comrade Lu Jiang, Comrade Qingxue, thank you, thank you for the medicine!" Although Lao Li is usually clumsy with his tongue, he can still say the word "thank you", "Thank you for disregarding past grudges and asking Comrade Cui Shaoyuan to give such precious medicine to you!" The medicine was given to us and it came in time. The doctor said that the child will not become a fool and will recover with continued treatment. "

Ask Cui Shaoyuan to deliver medicine to them?

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue thought to themselves that they had no idea that among the children in need of medicine were children from the Li family.

Then, it must be Cui Shaoyuan who made the Li family say such things.

"Comrade Li, please don't be so polite. Just like what my wife said to Comrade Cui, medicine is meant to save people. It doesn't matter whether it's expensive or not. When it's used for real purposes, we are happier than anyone else." Lu Jiang said. .

Ye Qing took Feng Qingxue's hand and said sheepishly: "How can you not thank me? There are many children who have this disease but cannot be cured, and there are not a few who died because of it. We sent the children to the hospital, Antibiotics, antibiotics, and bezoar pills are not available. I am almost desperate. I am afraid that my child will become a fool after saving his life. You don’t know how smart he is. He doesn’t know what to eat in this hospital to treat headaches and brain fever. There was a lot of medicine, but the life-saving medicine was gone when it was needed!”

At this time, Ye Qing was not as sarcastic as he was in the Jiang family?

So, no matter what you do or say, you always have a standpoint. She stood from her son's standpoint and accused the Jiang family every word. If she had stood from the Jiang family's standpoint at that time, she would definitely have accused the Li family of being unreasonable. .

Although Feng Qingxue would not confide in the Li family, Lao Li and Ye Qing came over to express their gratitude. Of course, she could not show off her face in front of the two old revolutionaries. She smiled and said: "It's good that the child is not in danger. To be honest, these days God, I am very worried about those children, worried that the medicine is not enough, and worried that the medicine will not be effective. As for other things, we don’t know how to evaluate them.”

Seeing that she had a soft attitude and a gentle voice, and that she was not angry because of what he had done in the Jiang family, Ye Qing felt relieved and his evaluation of Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue doubled several times.

"We, Lao Li, don't have much ability. We have always been neither good nor low in status and work, but we are able to earn a living everywhere. Two comrades come to the capital. If you need any help, please ask us. We will definitely I will do my best to help!" Ye Qing could only promise without patting his chest.

Feng Qingxue smiled and said: "We have finished our work in the capital and will be leaving soon. There is nothing to trouble these two old comrades. But two comrades, don't be too happy too early. When the time comes that you really need help. , we will definitely not be polite.”

"Do you have time to have a meal?" Ye Qing felt that his family couldn't just say nothing.

Although I brought some gifts, they couldn't compare with the life-saving grace.

Feng Qingxue declined politely: "Comrade Ye, you're welcome. We have to pack up, buy some things, and get ready to go home. The children are all taken care of by the elderly at home. We have already postponed our return, and we can't delay it any longer."

The pregnancy lasted for ten days, and recently I stayed for a few more days. More than half a month has passed like this.

Xibao's birthday is coming soon and he has to rush back no matter what.

They promised their children to buy cream cakes. Even if they do not harm them for the time being, they must buy them in the capital and take them back. They must do what they say and cannot let the children think that the words of their elders are worthless.

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