"You are still too young. No matter how good the relationship is, it can't stand the wait. You'd better think about it. You two are not young anymore. Just talk about it for a year or two."

"I know this, but I have too many things, and I won't be able to finish it for a while, let's talk about it then!"

Luo Xiaohua didn't know how to say it. At that time, her brain twitched and she told her about a five-year agreement. It is impossible to tell the other party now that she wants to marry him, right?


After getting married, can she still do what she likes?

The Luo Dasheng and his wife in the yard were also asking Xiao San this question.

"It's not that my uncle urges you to get married, or that if you two have that meaning, we can settle down earlier, even if you don't get married, it's okay for the two families to have a meal together and pay a kerchief."

After all, there are two older brothers above the youngest who are not married, so I am not so anxious about my daughter's marriage.

What is anxious is that I am afraid that such a good son-in-law will be taken away by others.

"It's okay. I will go back and let my grandfather arrange the arrangements, and then discuss the date with you, and we will settle the marriage."

Regarding the matter of marrying his little daughter-in-law in the door, he can't wait for the sooner the better.

It's a pity that the girl said that she had a lot of things to do and she had to wait for her to finish.

"That's okay, there is really a lot of drink tonight, and you will work hard later to accompany that girl to deliver the goods."

During the meal, Xiao San said that during this time, he was responsible for sending flowers to deliver, and then let the elder brother recharge his energy, take advantage of this time to get the driver's license, and then buy a car to pick up the delivery. .

Luo Dasheng was quite satisfied with his arrangement, and everyone could tell with his joy.

Whenever there is a craft, it should be popular. Since the boss has this opportunity, he should learn it well, and then make it convenient for the village.

In fact, Xiao San felt that it would be too tiring to keep the little daughter-in-law to deliver the goods.

Therefore, in the future, letting my eldest brother deliver and receive the goods, and then sell the goods, it will be done when she wakes up, which will make it a lot easier.

"You go to bed first, and leave it to me later."

Before the time to load the goods arrived, Luo Laosan returned in a small truck.

Because of Luo Xiaohua's business, Luo Laosan is now running at both ends. He works in a furniture factory during the day, eats and washes quickly after get off work, and then drove the car back to help pull the goods. After delivering the goods, he went directly to the dormitory to sleep.

"Huh? Why are you here?" Looking at the people sitting in the yard, Luo San asked questions.

Then he looked at the Yaomei who was lying on the Xiaoyao chair.

It’s comfortable this day, and there are people who help to fan the wind while sleeping.

It's summer now, and although the temperature difference between day and night is a bit big, it still doesn't prevent mosquitoes from running around. Therefore, in order to prevent the little daughter-in-law from being bitten by mosquitoes, Xiao San acted as a flower protector and helped her drive away the mosquitoes.

In fact, Luo Xiaohua usually slept in the room after eating. It was because Xiao San refused to go to bed for a while. Dad went to bed again, and the eldest brother was called to help by the second uncle.

There is no one at home to accompany him, so let him dry by the department, right?

So, she had to stay on the chair for a while.

Even sleeping is better than letting him sit alone.

"Third brother, be quiet!"

As soon as he heard this, Luo San couldn't help but curl his lips. This man called so smoothly, wouldn't he feel ashamed?

Obviously he was so much older than himself.

Just as my mother said, why is he not a girl, so it was a good idea to get married directly at that time.

Thinking about it now, he feels abhorrent, and it is not a girl to blame, otherwise, he would not be able to fall in love freely.

"If you don't get up again, it will be too late. Regardless of the 10,000 catties of goods, it will take a lot of time to move them up and down."

In fact, what Luo San wanted to say even more was that the older brother had to look at the time when he felt sorry for his wife.

However, after meeting Xiao San's serious gaze, he persuaded.

However, no matter how scared you are, you have to be a little harder.

"I'll go with you." Just then the eldest brother also came back.

For the handover of goods, from Luo. The little daughter-in-law already knew the probabilities, but Xiao San didn't want to go alone. Instead, he decided to help get the goods, and then came back to call her.

When he reached the receiving point, Xiao San was surprised to see a basket of crayfish. In many cases, intuitive things were shocking.

In addition to Luo's boss, Luo's youngest, the driver and Xiao San, there are three other cousins ​​of the Luo family at home.

Don't look at it so much, a few big men moved out in half an hour.

"You are?"

Luo Tao looked at the cigarette that Xiao San handed over, and asked suspiciously.

He was still wondering just now, how the driver brought a well-dressed man here, it seems that it is not a cool one.

In the end, I didn't expect that the other party would take out the cigarette to disperse it?

"Big brother, he is the baby of my first sister, his name is Xiao San, this is my elder brother, that is, the eldest brother Luo Tao in the uncle's family, and that one is the younger brother of my second uncle's family, Luo Xiaodong."

There are too many brothers and sisters, and they usually shout each other, only when they are together, they shout like this.

"Hello, brother, brother Xiaodong!"

They are all grown-ups, and smoking is the best way to get to know them.

"You guys are pretty good, I heard that you have a good mix, and there will be ways to introduce them to your eldest brother in the future."

"As long as you don't dislike it, there is still a way..."

As long as it is from the Luo family, Xiao Santong has a good temper.

Since it was too early, they separated after a few small chats.


Luo San felt he was deeply hit.

Is this what he said to call people?

Looking at the posture he held Yaomei up, he felt that this matter was too mysterious.

From home to here, it usually takes five or six minutes to arrive, and he actually carried people over.

Luo Xiaohua is indeed very tired. When she learned that it was Xiao San, she didn't pretend to be sentimental, but let him hold her, because after receiving the goods, she would use the supernatural ability again, and she might really not be able to stand it then. .

Now she, that is to recharge her energy.

"She feels a little uncomfortable today~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and wants to go again, so I will do it for you."

"This little brother will be distressed in the future. It seems that Boss Luo will be blessed in the future."

The driver's eldest brother laughed cheerfully and opened the door for them by the way.

This kind of man who loves his wife is still hard to find.

Seeing that Xiao San was already in the car, Luo Laosan didn't say anything any more, and turned to his car, but his heart was still full of doubts.

Is this Yaomei really messed up with Xiao San?

Then why not get married earlier?

In their cognition, men and women are interested, that is the rhythm of getting married.

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