Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 101: The trouble is coming

There are almost no cars on the highway at night. It is not the same as driving to the entrance of the city. The time is not long. Therefore, Luo Xiaohua still keeps sleeping. She must be energetic.

If you don't have enough energy, you can't perform supernatural powers at all, and the quality of the things sold at that time will not be as good as before.

"Why are there more people today?" Old Gu came first today. After getting out of the car, he saw Xiao San standing behind Luo Xiaohua and immediately joked.

Which one of the businessmen is not a human spirit? He judged the relationship between the two from the interaction between Xiao San and Luo Xiaohua.

"Uncle Gu came really early today, is this my friend Xiao San?"

Luo Xiaohua came forward generously and introduced Xiao San to Old Gu.

However, only talking about friends, did not bring the word "male".

"Is this a boyfriend? When do you plan to invite Uncle Gu to have a wedding wine?"

As soon as these words came out, it really made Luo Xiaohua a big blush. They are only following where they are now, and they have not yet reached the stage of marriage. Even the most basic engagement didn't go away, even if it was really married, it would take a year or two.

"I will definitely invite you when we get married!"

Xiao San stepped forward and handed Old Gu a cigarette.

"Your kid will come, this girl is a good girl, you have to treat her well, if it weren't for the two stinky boys in my family got married, I would like to bring him in and be my daughter-in-law."

He didn't know why, he felt Luo Xiaohua cast his eyes.


It seems that the little daughter-in-law is indeed in demand, but fortunately he has already expressed his opinion.

"I will!"

Then came the goods. Old Gu brought one thousand catties of cucumber and three thousand catties of beans.

"You really count time, so if my cousin doesn't sell the store to you, what are you going to do?"

After moving the goods, Xiao San couldn't help saying.

He really didn't expect that the truck driver and Luo San both left after the delivery was finished.

Lao Wang's car of cabbage was dropped on the car of Luo Laosan.

Lao Gu's truck was dropped on the dam behind the store.

If there is no store, where is she going to put these goods?

"I have my own way!"

Because the time was scheduled in advance, Luo Xiaohua ordered the goods in advance in order not to delay making money.

"Could it be..."

Xiao San immediately thought of a question, this girl won't give double money, right?

Even if she bought the store, but did not have the right to use it, after all, the previous boss had invested a lot.


It is because she has spent a lot of money, so now she has to work hard to make money.

"I really don't know what to say about you."

This time I bought a lot of goods, and Luo Xiaohua was exhausted and paralyzed after finishing her work.

Seeing her hard work, Xiao San really felt distressed, and lifted her up sideways, letting her lie in his arms to sleep.

It's still early, and when it gets light, the vegetable vendors will come.

Because there is something to do during the day, the vegetables that Lao Wang Laogu brings over are all given to the vegetable vendor, and only the leftover will be sold for zero.

Because of the good quality of her dishes, it is almost difficult to have the rest.

"The quality of Mr. Luo today is still so good. I dragged it back yesterday and sold it. Give me two hundred catties today!"

Starting to do business, Luo Xiaohua also entered the state.

"Okay, do you want some fresh dishes today?"

The truck is parked directly on the dam outside the store, and then there is a small door leading to the yard, so that it is convenient to get the goods.

However, in order to let others know that there are other varieties, she asked Xiao San to move out two big frames.

"Yes, you can, then give me a hundred catties!"

"Bring me three hundred catties!"

"I want five hundred catties!"

For Luo Xiaohua, everyone is very trusting, no matter what the dish is, just speak directly.

After a busy period of work, at dawn, all the dishes were robbed, and a few of them followed to see them. In the end, they didn't get the goods, and they ordered a lot with Luo Xiaohua.

They are all in business. Who doesn't want to get some good goods, so it will take longer.

Luo Xiaohua didn't take the kind of goods every day, but changed them every day.

Therefore, the vegetable vendor is also willing to come to her to get the goods.

"You still have to take care of manpower from now on. Girls are tired when they move up and down!"

Reach out her hand and wipe off the sweat from her forehead with her fingertips.

"Let's see it later, I have worked hard for you today!"

Compared to her hard work, Xiao San was exhausted today, helping to load and unload the goods, and then move the goods when something happened.

If this is the case in the future, you still have to ask two people to move the goods, otherwise the eldest brother and the third brother will be exhausted too.

"Let's have breakfast!"

Xiao San was very happy. He didn't expect that the little wife was also a distressed person. Until now, his face seemed to have her residual warmth.

However, such a good mood did not last for a few days. When the two people's relationship grew stronger, a shameless man came.

When Luo Xiaohua and Xiao San sold out, they were stopped by the second mother before they got home.

"Huahua, don't go back first. The man who dragged his knife in your house last time brought his parents to your house today. I heard that he wanted to marry you. It was too late..."

Luo Xiaohua was stunned by what the second mother said, and she couldn't believe it.

Second mother is not a person who likes to instigate right and wrong, but this makes her a little unbelievable anyway.

This is nothing short of slipping the world!

"Then don't go in first, I'll help you find out what's the matter?"

Xiao San immediately guarded the person behind him, and then exhorted him.

"You go to her house with your second mother, I'll call you when it's okay."


For shameless people, the more you are afraid, the more arrogant he is.

"If it doesn't work, you have to do it. You go to her house with your second mother first. If there is nothing wrong, I will call you again."

"Yeah, Huahua, you just go back with me first. I looked at those people who were not easy to deal with, so let Xiao San go and see first."

Wang Hongmei looked at her niece nervously. Those people were fierce, and she planned to call her second child back.

"Then be careful, I will call everyone in the village if anything happens."

Don't look at their villages like pea and buns. They are all looking after each But if there is something to do in any one, it will be the whole village.

"Don't worry, others are here to marry you, what can you do?"

As soon as he said this, Luo Xiaohua only felt a sour smell.

When Xiao San entered, she followed her second mother into the house, and then she took a stairway and peeked at the situation at home from the opening above the fence.

The courtyard, which should have been empty, was now full of people.

"I go!"

When she looked at the people in the yard, Luo Xiaohua couldn't help but cried out in surprise.

There were actually two people in the crowd, who had been seen on the train, and they were also the two people who abducted Niuniu.

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