Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 117: See things in reverse

Early in the morning, Luo Xiaohua and her father got up. Today, she is going to her sister’s house to discuss matters, so she also called Xiao San. Anyway, the shop is almost packed, it’s just some finishing work. The master can do it directly.

Crayfish also started buying at four o'clock in the afternoon, and she had a lot of time to accompany it.

"I said little cousin, you are talking about friends, don't you know how to ask Dongge me to eat wedding candy?"

Before I walked in, I saw Xiao San standing next to Luo Xiaohua, perhaps because of a man's fifth sense, he felt that this man had a very close relationship with his little cousin.

"Tong Tzu, what are you talking nonsense?"

Compared with Zhu Yundong's inattention, Zhu Wenping appeared much more calm, and when he heard his son's words, he also reprimanded.

"What can I say, they have a certificate now. Little cousin, don't you think?"

For this big cousin, Luo Xiaohua also said that she was speechless.

"What's the matter? Anyway, if you are unmarried and unmarried, I am not afraid of you laughing at me? Xiao San is the eldest cousin of the uncle's family. You can call Dongge directly. This is the uncle."

Humph ╭(╯^╰)╮!

It's not just a gentleman who is magnanimous, she can do it as a little girl, and by the way, she looked at her big cousin with provocative eyes.

"You two, is it true that your friends don’t get together, they are all dozens of years old, and they like to argue as much as they did when they were young?"

Seeing the attitude of the two children, Zhu Wenping said with a smile.

"It's that he is always fine looking for trouble!"

Luo Xiaohua was not a surrender since she was a child. Because she is from the countryside and her eldest cousin is from the city, she often calls her a hillbilly behind her.

What's more, every time he comes to my grandfather's house, the big cousin either takes out toys to show off, or buys something delicious to show off in front of her.

The two are several years apart, but I don't know why, Zhu Yundong is just teasing her like a monkey.

As a result, Luo Xiaohua grabbed the things directly, and then the two of them would fight.

Don't look at how many years Luo Xiaohua was younger, and his hands and feet were agile, so he directly hit Zhu Yundong on the ground.

This made Zhu Yundong's teeth itchy, always trying to win her, and every time she ended in failure, so the two people's hatred ended in this way.

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault. I heard that you made a lot of money recently. Would you like to lend me some money?"

"Cousin, uncle, get in the car!"

When Xiao San spoke, he also handed them a cigarette, and then directly took the little daughter-in-law aside by the action of passing the cigarette.

It's not once or twice in Xiao San's car. Before the front of the car reached the door, Xiao San had already opened the door and blocked the window with one hand.

"Oh, you Da Maha, you have found someone who will feel sorry for others."

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb. I said why Sister Fang didn't come. I will let her treat you." The wicked person has his own wicked person. This Zhu Yundong is just a chatter in front of her, in front of his daughter-in-law. , Is not a good man.

In fact, she really envied her cousin's cousin's marriage-warm!

Lin Fang is gentle and decent, and is a good hand at housework.

Zhu Yundong seems to be indifferent, and he is particularly capable of doing things.

The husband and wife, ten years like a day, are full of love between each other.

"Brother Dong is still a happy ear rake!"

One's own daughter-in-law will be spoiled and will not tolerate bullying by others.

Hearing Xiao San's words, Zhu Yundong was taken aback, and then he saw his cousin who was shaking her shoulders with a smile.

"It is indeed happiness, but you should also be in the future."


Luo Xiaohua also pretended not to hear, and then shifted the topic to today's topic.

"Uncle, my dad told you about the matter yesterday, right? How sure do you think this is?"

In fact, Luo Xiaohua really had no bottom in her heart. She didn't know whether the Yang family would agree to her request.

Because at this time, the status of a woman is really not high. Generally, when you marry into your in-law’s family, that is the status of silence, not to mention the name on the real estate certificate. This is something that has never happened.

However, if she does not add her name, why should she pay for the decoration?

"Not sure, since you asked me this question, you must also know the reason?"

After looking at Luo Xiaohua and nodding, Zhu Wenping said immediately.

"However, it's not impossible. Since you are using the money to decorate, you have to write Xiaomei's name. This should be the case.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of this?"

Hearing what the uncle said, Luo Xiaohua patted her head abruptly. She really didn't expect that she could just turn the matter back.

"This **** is still hot!"

Luo Dasheng smiled and said, really, he didn't expect this issue to come up.

The problem was solved, and the four of them went to the Yang family.

Because of Xiao San's car, he arrived soon, and he posted a note at the entrance and went in.

Since it is a weekend, the people in the yard are busy at home, and there are already many children in the yard who get up to play games.

"Auntie, grandpa, grandpa, grandpa, cousin, sister-in-law!"

Niuniu, who was skipping rope with her little friend, watched them come in and said one by one.

"Niuniu is so good!"

Looking at the little girl in front of him, Zhu Yundong immediately picked her up.

"My big cousin, you're afraid you haven't seen each other for half a year, how did you recognize it?"

Looking at the little girl in front of her who looked exactly like her, Zhu Yundong seemed to see how they looked when they were young.

At that time, Luo Xiaomei was very honest and fearful of life. Even if she went to their house, she was the last one among her brothers and sisters.

As for him, he likes to bully her, and then Luo Xiaohua jumped out to protect her sister, fighting with him several times because of this.

"Because you look a lot like your grandfather and uncle!"

Niuniu's words are right, their father and son are indeed very similar.

"But, do we have four brothers? I can't be the fourth cousin?"

"Because you have white hair!"


What this said made Zhu Yundong feel distressed.

"Hahaha, are you shooting yourself in the foot?"

When others recognize, you will be happy, and you will be biased to ask the question to the end. Is this embarrassing?


Zhu Yundong smiled awkwardly, as cheeky as him, nothing was left in an instant.

"This is a candy for us Niuniu, do you like it?"

Knowing that it was coming to the big cousin's house, Lin Fang bought some snacks for him to bring over early in the morning.

"Thank you, cousin!"

Ouch, after touching the kissed place on the cheek, Zhu Yundong's heart has become cute. It seems that her daughter is cute!

"Niuniu is so good, next time I go to my cousin's house, I will buy it for you again!"



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