Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 118: Righteous indignation

"I looked at Dongzi brother who likes his daughter very much. When will you add another one to your family?"

It was really the first time that Luo Xiaohua saw Zhu Yundong's appearance. He thought that this man was just looking like a beating, but he didn't expect that there would be a time when he was so popular.

"If you want to be beautiful, you think this is playing with mud and squeezing mud. If you want to be flat, you are flat, and if you want to be round, you are round."

He wants it to be one thing, and whether he can have a baby is one thing. Don't give birth to a son again when the time comes, and the beams of their house will be demolished.

"This is also..."

"Dad, uncle, Dongzi, younger sister, Xiao San, you are here, sit inside."

Yang Dabao, who was cooking noodles outside, heard his daughter's giggles, and when he looked back, he saw familiar faces.

"You have come so early, haven't you had breakfast?"

During the weekend, they usually get up a little late.

"We have eaten, you should be busy first."

This is the son-in-law's house, Luo Dasheng is still very casual, walking inside by himself.

"Then you sit inside, this place is a bit narrow."

The family was a bit small at first, but Yang Dabao felt a little embarrassed to come to five at once.

"It's okay, where's my sister-in-law and brother-in-law?"

With such a big movement, her sister hadn't come, and she must have been not at home.

"She went to the back to wash the clothes."

After saying this, Yang Dabao immediately became uneasy. Will this sister-in-law want to train him again?

Anyway, his sister-in-law has never done this before?

Sure enough, Luo Xiaohua's expression immediately changed.

"Brother-in-law, what do you want me to say about you, my sister has a big belly, you let her go to the lake to wash clothes alone?"

Luo Xiaohua had an expression of hating iron but not steel, and after stomping her feet, she went to the back.

What Yang Dabao said was not behind their house, but behind the factory building.

There is a big lake behind that, and people in the factory usually wash their clothes in that lake. Although it's a bit far away, it saves water bills, especially in summer, where men take baths to wash, and it is still necessary to save up to ten yuan a month!

"I..." Yang Dabao, who knew he was wrong, was not angry even if he was scolded by his sister-in-law.

"Is there anything wrong?"

As the future husband-in-law of the little daughter-in-law, Xiao San chooses where she goes, he will go.

When I was young, especially in summer, there was not much water in the well at home, so I went to the river to wash clothes. When my mother was busy, the second sister was in charge of the family’s clothes, but at that time, it was the parents who carried the clothes. , After the second sister is finished washing, they will go to carry it.

Luo Xiaohua now feels very guilty for her second sister. The sisters are just the two of them, and apart from following her father and elder brother to pick up the rake and do the lightest work, she doesn't help the family much at all.

So now, she wants to treat her second sister in every possible way.

When I came to my second sister's house before, I followed her to the lake to wash clothes, so she found someone on the road.

"Sister, I'll help you wash it."

Seeing the second sister under the sun, squatting by the lake, washing clothes laboriously, Luo Xiaohua's eyes were sour.

I've been pregnant for almost five months, and my belly is bulging out, let alone squatting, but sometimes I feel tired when sitting. But now, her sister squatted by the lake to wash clothes, one can imagine how tired she was.

"Forget it, let me come?" Hearing the voice, looking back, and discovering that it was her own little girl, Luo Xiaomei smiled slightly and wiped the sweat off her forehead with her arm.

"Go and rest, I'll do it."

He stretched out his hand to pull the second sister to the side, then squatted quickly, picked up the clothes and started washing.

To be honest, this summer's clothes can't be so dirty, just wash them casually, and her sister has to come with a big belly. Luo Xiaohua really gets more and more angry as she washes.

Seeing the little girl's angry look, Luo Xiaomei knew what she was because of.

It’s just that, marrying a chicken with a chicken and a dog with a dog, what can she do if she marries someone who doesn’t feel sorry for others?

"Hey, I said you wash your clothes like this, you don't know that the clothes are all rotten before they are finished, right?"

Xiao San, who was following him, couldn't help laughing as he looked at the forceful expression of the little daughter-in-law.

"It's just to be washed away, the old won't go away, the new won't come."


"Well, I really don't know who you have followed, with such a big temper?"

Xiaomei also understands Xiao Sanluo, and the talents are good.

Therefore, she was afraid that her temperament would scare people away.

Her little girl is good in everything, but she has a bad temper. When she is in a good mood, she can do anything. When she is in a bad mood, I will take care of him.

"I'm not because of you. I said it last time. You can wash your clothes at home if you want to wash them. If you carry it so far, if something happens, it will hurt you."

After going through all kinds of things, she summed up an experience-that is, women, you must respect and love yourself!

If you don't love yourself for a woman, you are the one who is tired.

The current Internet is still underdeveloped. After the Internet is developed, there will be all kinds of weird things in this world.

Especially in the aspect of pregnancy and childbirth, there are all kinds of weird and extremely negative news.

However, the only thing that is the same is that all things are that women are hurt.

"All you can do, I listen to you."

Knowing that the younger sister is doing her own good, Luo Xiaomei no longer struggles with this matter.

"Lao Yang's daughter-in-law, who is this you, so sorry for you?"

I didn't go to work today. The people in this factory also started a general cleaning and took out all the sheets and quilts to wash.

Because of the large number of people, the movement here also attracted many people.

"She is my maiden sister, doesn't it just think that I have a big belly and shouldn't squat to do the laundry!"

"That is, you have a big belly, don't come to the lake to wash, if you accidentally fall off, then... you look at it, my mouth, I am not cursing you, I think you really should pay attention ."

"It's okay, it's okay, I also know what you said is true."

Hearing others say this, Luo Xiaomei really feels a bit of a crisis-she really shouldn't take a Look, what I said, don't come here to wash next time. "

This lake is huge, and many people have drowned. I heard that in July and a half, people often come out to find dead ghosts.

The Yang Shen of a woman is weak when she is pregnant. If this happens to be unclean, it will harm the child for a lifetime.

Luo Xiaohua didn't believe this before, but after experiencing it firsthand, she also had to believe it.

"No, never again, little housekeeper."

"I'm not a housekeeper, I will be a charter housewife in the future."

Luo Xiaohua's dream is not big, sitting in a few suites, becoming a house sister, collecting rent, and going out traveling when nothing is wrong, spending a whole life in style.



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