Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 191: taste of love

Originally, he thought it was a very vicious person who forced his little wife to the rooftop, but he didn't expect it to be Liu Jianmin's scumbag.

However, Xiao San had no lights, so Liu Jianmin didn't even know that Xiao San was opposite him. After knowing that Luo Xiaohua's helper had come and he was still a man, Liu Jianmin was even more energetic.

He planned to smash the door open, and then gave her up, and still in front of another man, he felt passionate when he thought about it.

Since everything went wrong with him, she didn't think it would be better.

After Xiao San saw that Liu Jianmin had no weapons on his body, he immediately turned around and walked to the balcony, and then walked directly across the bridge to the opposite side.

" did you come here?"

Seeing the man who appeared suddenly, Luo Xiaohua burst into tears with excitement, and stretched both hands directly to hug him.

After the tense nerves were relaxed, there were tears that burst the embankment.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here, don't be afraid."

Both hands hugged her whole person directly, lowered her head and pressed her face tightly, gently comforting her in her ear.

"Xiao San, I really am..."

Luo Xiaohua couldn't cry anymore, and she said nothing to do, she was really terrified.

"Okay, it's okay, you're not injured, are you?"

Xiao San parted from each other anxiously, and then saw that her clothes had been pulled with a slit, and her brows wrinkled involuntarily.

"It's okay, maybe it's hanging on the door."

I looked down at my clothes and noticed that there was a big mouth on the side.

Pulled uncomfortably, then

"Luo Xiaohua, come out for me, come out!"

After hearing Liu Jianmin's furious voice, Xiao San immediately stepped forward, trying to push things away.

"Well, use this to put a set on him, and we will beat it hard!"

She wanted to do it a long time ago, but unfortunately, she always wanted to forget the past, so she didn't specifically seek revenge from them.

"No, my daughter-in-law can't protect me. What kind of man is that?"

Xiao San removed what was blocking the door, and then directly removed the plug.


Liu Jianmin didn't check it, and when he kicked it, he kicked it for a while, and then he threw himself directly on the concrete floor.

At this time, Xiao Sanli immediately started beating people, not sluggish, and still beating people in a very rhythmic manner.

Liu Jianmin yelled and Xiao San gave a punch.

"Who is it that you meow, have the ability to come face to face?"

"You do not deserve!"

Xiao San's low voice expressed his dissatisfaction.

Luo Xiaohua, who was standing on the side, looked dumbfounded, and wanted to try, but Xiao San waved at her, not letting her do it.

On the entire balcony, only Liu Jianmin's voice begging for mercy could be heard.

The people downstairs couldn't help but shiver.

In fact, Luo Xiaohua was also a little confused. She was really afraid that he would kill someone.

So, she moved her lips, trying to make him stop.

"Xiao San..."

"Don't fight, don't fight, I won't do it again... Never again..."

Seeing that it was almost done, Xiao San picked up his clothes from behind Liu Jianmin, twisted his backhand, and faced him face to face.

"Liu Jianmin, do you still know me?"

Liu Jianmin, who was dying from the beating, had no energy to speak, raised his eyelids, looked at it, and then applied for a delay.


Liu Jianmin's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide. Looking at Xiao San, he didn't know what to say.

"Boss, are you okay?"

After some rounds of inspections, no one was found. Then Wang Rui and Li Yang returned to the store, but they waited and waited until no one came back, so they decided to go to the alley of Xiao Sanjia to find them.

Then I saw the lights on the whole building and knew that something was wrong, and then I heard someone begging for mercy.

Climbing up the stairs following the sound, they saw the person they were looking for.

"It's okay, did you call the old fifth and the others?"

"Called, called, when I didn't find my sister-in-law, I called them and asked them to help find someone."

The fifth child in Xiao San's mouth is the captain of the security team, who is specifically responsible for the safety of this area.

"But, you now..."

Through the darkness, Li Yang saw the man who was only hitting the man who was not venting his breath. His heart was shocked. His boss was too cruel to attack. It’s just that the anger was out, but if this is seen by the fifth, this How to deal with it?

"It's okay, they can't detect the injury."

Xiao San's swearing words caused Wang Rui and Li Yang's backs to cool, and the man did this trick again.

Back then, they thought he didn't like talking all day, so they wanted to bully him. As a result, seven people in a dormitory went together, and they were all caught by him. I was beaten up, and the infirmary was unable to detect any injuries. The head teacher also said that they pretended to be, and asked them to invite the parents.

From then on, Xiao San, who they regarded as the thorn in the eye of the child's play, became the object of their Mobike, and followed him to find ways to let him teach them kung fu.

Xiao San, who was originally not good at speech, has become more cheerful because of their friends. Even after so many years, they are still the best brothers.

However, even now, they still dare not do anything with them.

However, what Xiao San didn't expect was that after Liu Jianmin went to the hospital for an injury examination, the injury was really detected. It was just that the injury was not caused by him, but by his daughter-in-law. This is the future, and what we have to solve now is the present.

"Then now?"

"You guys are waiting here, what's the matter for Lao Wu to find me in the store tomorrow!"

Thinking of the scared look of the little daughter-in-law just now, the anger in his heart soared, wishing to swallow him alive. How dare to move his people while he is away?


"I still have to go to the store, if Uncle Gu and the others didn't get the goods..."

"You two send the person to me, and then Wang Rui, you go to the to be responsible for handing over with Lao Wang and them, Li Yang, you are responsible for handing the person to the fifth person, and let him give him the crime of hooliganism. In custody."

"No, you dare..."

After reacting, Liu Jianmin began to struggle. If he was convicted of hooliganism, he would be ruined in his entire life, and the Lin family would definitely not want him.

It's really something that you shouldn't do, shouldn't be tempted to Luo Xiaohua, suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"Luo Xiaohua, I beg you, please, look at our former love, let them not, don't..."

Hearing Liu Jianmin's words, Xiao San was so angry that he took a smelly sock from the bamboo pole and stuffed it unceremoniously into his mouth.

"Hurry up and bring it to me. I tell you, Liu Jianmin, you have to pay for what you did."

The accounts of past and present lives are calculated together.


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